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Published on: 7 Apr 2015 By

Retrial: lower fines for environmental consultant

In 2011, we wrote about the record $161,000 in fines imposed upon an environmental consultant and his company. In addition, $40,500 in fines were imposed on their clients, Mr. James Sinclair and his company Sinclair Landing, owner of a contaminated site. Following an appeal and retrial, the fines imposed on geo-environmental firm Bruce A. Brown Associates...

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Published on: 28 Nov 2016 By

Conviction for Ivory Smuggler

Environment and Climate Change Canada has issued a combined fine totalling $12,500 against an auction company and its director for unlawfully exporting a product made of python and two pieces of elephant ivory. The products were exported in contravention of the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (WAPPRIITA)....

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Published on: 20 Mar 2017 By

$120,000 Fine for Ontario Water Resources Act Violations

Aecon Construction and Materials Limited (“Aecon”) is in the business of constructing complex highway infrastructure, airfields projects, residential and commercial developments, landfills,  and bridges in addition to other large infrastructure projects. On February 8, 2017 Aecon pled guilty to two offences under the Ontario Water Resources Act (“OWRA”) for discharging material into water than may...

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Published on: 16 Jun 2017 By

3-month Jail Time for Illegally Trafficking Iguanas

An Ontario man was sentenced to three months jail in New Brunswick for illegally trafficking threatened iguanas. The individual, who is from Thornhill, Ontario, was sentenced in Fredericton Provincial Court to concurrently serve two three-month jail terms after pleading guilty to one count of importing an animal without necessary permits and one count of exporting...

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Published on: 28 May 2018 By

Thompson Fuels Ordered to Pay Costs

The case of Gendron v. Thompson Fuels, related to a home furnace oil tank that developed a leak in December 2008. The leak caused damage to the Gendron’s home and the surrounding environment, including nearby Sturgeon Lake. The City of Kawartha Lakes cleaned up the Lake. On July 17, 2017 the court released its decision...

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Published on: 22 Aug 2018 By

Fortis Alberta Ordered to pay $300,000.00 fine for Unreported Oil Spill

On August 15, 2018, the Provincial Court of Alberta ordered the electrical utility, FortisAlberta, to pay a $300,000.00 fine for failing to report an oil spill in a timely manner. The spill related to potentially dangerous polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, in west-central Alberta. While FortisAlberta reported the spill from one of its transformers in Hinton...

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Published on: 5 Jun 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario Failing Our Future on Climate Change

In his latest report, Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner again strongly criticizes the Ontario government for doing too little on climate change. The Ontario government has done a lot, most notably closing coal-fired power plants and adopting the Green Energy Act. In this, Ontario compares well to other provinces and to our foot-dragging federal government. However, Commissioner...

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