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Published on: 9 Apr 2020 By

The phoenix shall fly

On February 28, 2020 the Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in Nevsun Resources Ltd. v. Araya, 2020 SCC 5. By a narrow five-four majority, the SCC held Canadian companies may be sued for breaches of Customary International Law (โ€œCILโ€), abroad. Writing for the majority, Abella J. began her decision as follows: [1] This...

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Published on: 29 May 2012 By

10 Tips for Individuals Injured in a Motor Vehicle Collision

A motor vehicle collision is a frightening and confusing time for those involved. Siskinds Personal Injury Partner Emily Foreman knows just how crucial the gathering of information can be when an accident has occurred, and has provided these 10 tips for anyone involved in an unfortunate accident. If you or a loved one suffer injuries...

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Published on: 27 Sep 2023 By

What is the Income Replacement Benefit under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule?

A personโ€™s contract with their own auto insurance company includes the potential payment of Income Replacement Benefits. This benefit is mandatory to all Ontario automobile insurance policies and it is defined under section 4 of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). The Income Replacement Benefit intends to compensate a person who, within 104 weeks after...

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Published on: 20 Jul 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

GHG reductions: are we getting better?

The federal government has quietly admitted that its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reduction efforts are having little effect. The Harper Conservatives wonโ€™t comply with the action plan portion of the Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act, 2007 , but they doย  file the reports to Parliament that the KPIA requires. As a result, they have been forced...

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Published on: 11 May 2021 By ,

Lawyers can go way back with the Wayback Machine

Most people whoโ€™ve been through litigation know that once it has started, you canโ€™t just grab a shredder and get rid of your bad documents. Why? Legally speaking, the parties have a duty to preserve their documents. When dealing with paper, shredding has a permanent effect. Electronic documents are far more pervasive than their physical...

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Published on: 7 Sep 2021 By

Can a business charge a customer to access their personal information?

Typically, no. Itโ€™s not recommended. If you do, contact us as soon as possible because you may get into some trouble with the law. Best Practice: give your customer access to their personal information for free unless the request is excessive or repetitive. You must also have this written down on a forward-facing policy. How...

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