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Published on: 13 Nov 2012 By

Silence Is Golden: What happens when confidentiality provisions are breached?

Settlements with employees often include confidentiality provisions. What happens when those confidentiality provisions are breached? A recent decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario inTremblay v. 1168531 Ontario Inc. provides some useful guidance. The employer operated a Subway store in Cornwall, Ontario and Trish-Ann Tremblay was one of its employees. Following her termination by...

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Published on: 22 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Using fun to encourage recycling

Recycling and other forms of waste diversion are not usually considered “fun”. Sorting bottles and cans, lugging out the sometimes smelly compost, and taking empties to the Beer Store are the things we do because we should, not necessarily because we enjoy them. Volkswagen’s initiative The Fun Theory “is dedicated to the thought that something...

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Published on: 26 Mar 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Home Depot: Excessive enforcement causing recycling set back?

Home Depot’s decision to stop accepting waste paint and compact fluorescent bulbs for recycling is a sad setback, and another sign of trouble in Ontario’s waste reduction and diversion strategy. It is important to collect every possible used fluorescent bulb (and not throw them into landfills) because of the mercury they can contain. Few enough...

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Published on: 28 Mar 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Heyes appeal: Subway construction a nuisance?

Is transit construction a nuisance? The British Columbia Court of Appeal has released its decision in Heyes v. Vancouver, now called Susan Heyes Inc. v. South Coast BC Transportation Authority. The court overturned a $600,000 judgment awarded to a local store owner, who was driven out of business by prolonged traffic closures during construction of...

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Published on: 2 Mar 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Dumping construction waste: $150,000 fine

Willy’s Roll-Off Ltd., 1092066 Ontario Inc., Willis and Susan McKeown and Percy Pyper Ltd. pled guilty in February to impairing water quality, establishing a waste disposal site without approval, and failing to transport waste only to an approved site. They were fined a total of $150,000 plus the 25% victim fine surcharges.

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Published on: 1 Oct 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environment Minister Murray's mandate letter

Every Cabinet minister gets his or her marching orders from the Premier or Prime Minister. These “mandates” used to be top secret, but Ontario now makes them public. Here is the mandate letter for the new Minister of Environment and Climate Change, with our emphasis added. On environmental legislation, note the commitment to reintroducing the...

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Published on: 18 Jul 2023 By
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Understanding data protection agreements: Key concepts and benefits

Data protection agreements – specifically, what are they, and as a business, should I have them? Three types of data Generally, your business signs data protection agreements with third-parties when you are providing important data to them. Here, data is referred to as one of three types: Data protection agreement: Protection, privacy and security Data...

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