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Published on: 14 May 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

First Nations, Métis and Renewable Energy

First Nations are playing an ever-expanding role in the siting of new renewable energy projects. Now, the new Aboriginal Energy Partnership Program (AEPP)[1] will help First Nations and Métis communities to develop and own renewable energy projects.[2] Funding applications are already being accepted.[3]

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Published on: 1 Aug 2013 By

Understanding OHIP: What health care services are covered outside of Ontario?

OHIP covers many health care costs when you are in Ontario. But what about when you are abroad or if you want treatment that isn’t available in Ontario but is available elsewhere in Canada? Siskinds lawyer Maciek Piekosz looks at how OHIP covers you and outlines the steps involved in getting out-of-province coverage for treatment....

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Published on: 20 Nov 2018 By

Cannabis License Act: Franchising Implications

Store Ownership and Licensed Producers Corporate store ownership will not be an option for licensed producers who wish to establish a significant presence in the cannabis retail market. Section 4(4) of the Cannabis License Act prohibits licensed producers and their affiliates from operating more than one retail store. The definition of “affiliate” under section 2...

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Published on: 12 May 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Can garbage give us gas?

Energy from waste was anathema to Ontario regulators twenty years ago, but now they have changed their mind, due to better technology, a critical shortage of landfill space and strong demand for renewable sources of energy. One increasingly popular way is through biogas. Instead of burning the waste in messy incinerators with challenging air emissions,...

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Published on: 20 Aug 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Certificate of analysis ok as evidence despite minor error and delay?

A court accepted a Maxxam certificate of analysis into evidence in an environmental prosecution, despite a minor error in an internal chain of custody, and a two month delay in issuing the certificate. The decision is useful for anyone who takes samples, analyses them or uses the result in court.

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Published on: 13 Oct 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Climate change: How strong is the evidence?

Is climate change science “real science”? Can climate change experts give expert evidence in court? Canadian courts have not yet wrestled with this issue, but American courts have. The leading case is Green Mountain Chrysler v. Crombie. In 2007, the auto industry tried to prevent leading climate change experts from giving expert evidence, on the ground...

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Published on: 6 Oct 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Kipfinch – latest Ontario contaminated site decision

Ontario’s latest contaminated site decision is Kipfinch v. Westwood Mall (Mississauga) Limited. The  intended purchaser of a $25 million shopping mall was unable to obtain financing after the vendor refused to allow invasive testing in an area formerly occupied by a dry cleaner.   The agreement of purchase and sale required the purchaser to satisfy...

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Published on: 31 Oct 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Utah latest US state to mandating disclosure of fracking chemicals

On October 24, the Utah Board of Oil, Gas and Mining approved a new rule requiring companies to use FracFocus, the US’s national hydraulic fracturing chemical registry, to report the amount and types of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) to produce oil and gas. Seven other states also use FracFocus for regulatory reporting.

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