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Published on: 18 Jul 2023 By
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Entering Canada as a business visitor: Essential requirements

In this blog, I will discuss the prerequisites for entering Canada as a business visitor, while also touching upon instances where a work permit is necessary or where a work permit exemption may be applicable. Our immigration team consistently receives inquiries from Canadian companies and organizations seeking to host foreign nationals on business visits to...

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Published on: 27 Jan 2023 By

What does it mean to witness a document?

The pandemic has changed how the world does business. People can buy, sell, and contract without ever meeting face to face. This new digital age emerged from necessity and has grown because of technology like Zoom, TitanFile, and DocuSign. But with this new convenience also comes a new set of considerations. Take DocuSign for example....

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Published on: 11 Oct 2022 By

Federal Court grants injunctive relief against interfering law firm – Moushoom v Canada (Attorney General)

In August 2022, the Federal Court released its decision in Moushoom v Canada (Attorney General), 2022 FC 1212 (“Moushoom”), granting the Plaintiffs’ motion for an interlocutory order that no legal professionals other than class counsel, the Plaintiff Assembly of First Nations, or the Court-appointed administrator publish communications to class members regarding the class proceedings. Moushoom...

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Published on: 6 Sep 2022 By (She/Her)

Can the insurer “spy” on me?

During a personal injury claim, you may discover that you are being followed, videotaped, and photographed. While undoubtedly uncomfortable and intrusive, “surveillance” is legal and is quite common. The purpose and impact of surveillance During a personal injury claim, the lawyer for the defendant insurance company often uses surveillance to challenge the severity of your...

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Published on: 1 Sep 2022 By

Beyond “functional disclosure” – Ontario Court of Appeal applies the rule from Handley Estate in CHU de Québec-Université Laval v. Tree of Knowledge International Corp.

In multi-party litigation, situations may arise where one or more defendants are inclined to settle a plaintiff’s claims while others are not. In these circumstances, the settling defendant may execute a settlement agreement with the plaintiff called a Pierringer agreement. Essentially, Pierringer agreements allow one or more settling defendants to withdraw from the plaintiff’s action while the...

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Published on: 9 May 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

BlackoutSpeakout: It worked for Wikipedia

BlackoutSpeakout: Canadian environmental organizations are using Wikipedia’s protest tactic of darkening their websites on June 4 to protest federal government 2012 Budget plans to slash environmental protection and environmental protest, anything that stands in the way of the oil sands and their pipelines.

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Published on: 6 Jun 2022 By

Intervenor beware! – Brewers Retail v. Campbell

In Brewers Retail v Campbell, 2022 ONSC 2795, Justice Morgan dealt with costs in “procedurally unusual circumstances”: the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (“FSRA”), Ontario’s pension regulator, was granted intervenor status to oppose a consent motion for certification for settlement purposes and sought its costs. This was a class action in respect of a proposed class...

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Published on: 13 Apr 2021 By

Why Canada’s regulatory crackdown on unregistered cryptocurrency exchanges is good news for investors

In Staff Notice 21-329 Guidance for Crypto-Asset Trading Platforms: Compliance with Regulatory Requirements (“SN 21-329”), the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) issued an ultimatum to crypto asset platforms operating within Canada or with Canadian users: Register, or else. Published on March 11, 2021 jointly with IIROC1, SN 21-329 attempts to fully integrate these crypto asset trading...

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Published on: 7 Oct 2021 By

Sue me twice, shame on me: defendants to face multiple class actions after holding out for “least formidable foe”

A decision from the Divisional Court last month confirms that defendants cannot avoid litigating against the best-prepared plaintiff by strategically defending (or not defending) certification motions in different jurisdictions. The decision, Kirsh v Bristol-Myers Squibb, 2021 ONSC 6190, upheld Justice Morgan’s refusal to stay an Ontario class action despite the authorization of a nearly identical...

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