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Published on: 26 May 2022 By ,

Moore v. 7595611 Canada Corp. – What is a life worth?

What is a life worth? This is a question with which our legal system has grappled for a very long time. The answer is that a life is priceless, there is no amount of money that is worth a human life. Nevertheless, our Courts are tasked with the job of determining a value for the loss...

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Published on: 30 Nov 2022 By

Car insurance 101: 7 optional accident benefits you should consider

When you renew your car insurance policy, you have a variety of options to increase your coverage in the event that you are injured. The basic policy may seem appealing to most drivers, because it has the lowest premiums. But if you ask anyone who has been injured in an accident, the standard coverage is...

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Published on: 24 Aug 2018 By

Ontario Court of Justice Sentences Corporation and its Director to $420,000 Fine and 45-day jail term for Contravention of PCB Regulations of Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

Environment and Climate Change Canada has reported that on August 21, 2018, a Collingwood corporation and its director were sentenced to a $420,000 fine plus a 45-day jail term, for 10 counts of contravening the PCB Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, and one count of failing to comply with an environmental protection...

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Published on: 21 Mar 2016 By

2016 Shaping Up To Be ‘Significant’ Year For Franchise Law

(Note: This article was also published on AdvocateDaily.com) The Supreme Court of Canada is set to hear its first franchise case in more than four decades something that, coupled with significant recent decisions, could bring needed balance to the industry, franchise lawyer Peter Dillon tells AdvocateDaily.com. “If franchise litigation were a wine, then 2015 would be a good...

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Published on: 7 Nov 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario flurry of convictions

In a typical year, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment launches about 150 to 175 prosecutions. About 75% of them are resolved by guilty pleas; about 5% are acquitted at trial; about 10% are convicted of something at trial; about 10% are withdrawn. Thus, we expect to hear about 12 or so convictions a month,...

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Published on: 18 Jun 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Fisheries Act: Weaker or Tougher?

With Bill C-38, the omnibus Budget Implementation Act, Bill C-38, the Conservative government will bring sweeping changes to Canada’s environmental landscape. To make approvals easier for oil sands projects and related pipelines, the Fisheries Act will be particularly affected. Major changes will dramatically narrow what a reduced corps of fisheries officers will attempt to protect....

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Published on: 10 Mar 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Renewable energy FIT contracts rolling out

The Ontario Power Authority has just announced the first group of contracts to buy renewable energy electricity at premium Feed in Tariff (FIT) prices, under the Green Energy Act. These contracts have been awarded for projects that do not require upgrades to the electrical transmission and distribution grid, and therefore can be built quickly without...

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