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Published on: 3 Sep 2024 By

Overview of a construction lien in Ontario under the Construction Act

One of the main purposes of the Construction Act is to protect parties who make improvements to the land but do not have a contract with the landowner. The Act does this by requiring each party to retain 10% of the payments it makes to the party below them in the construction pyramid. As an...

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Published on: 8 Jul 2024 By

Privacy pulse: Enforcement against Adobe, Microsoft controversies and OPC 23andMe joint investigation

The Siskinds Privacy, Cyber and Data Governance team is focused on providing businesses and professionals with monthly updates and commentary on technology, privacy, and artificial intelligence (A.I.) laws in both the U.S. and Canada. There have been big updates from south of the border, particularly from FTC enforcement against Adobe, the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning...

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Published on: 5 Oct 2022 By (She/Her)

Divorce Act amendments: duties for parents and lawyers

A number of significant changes were made to the Divorce Act, which impact family law litigants, specifically divorced parents and separated spouses with children. These amendments to the Divorce Act took effect on March 1, 2021. Divorce Act changes explained: Duties for parents The duties that are now clearly set out in the Divorce Act are...

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Published on: 4 Jul 2023 By (She/Her)

Podcast highlight: St. Joseph’s Health Care on supporting someone after sexual assault

St. Joseph’s Health Care has released their latest DocTalks Podcast episode featuring Dr. Susan McNair, family physician and medical director of the Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centre at St. Joseph’s Health Care London. In this episode, Dr. McNair and DocTalks Host Ian Gillespie discuss the prevalence of sexual assault in our community, the support...

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Published on: 1 Jun 2014 By ,

Wills, trusts and estate planning for people with disabilities and their families

Introduction Families are very familiar with positive planning processes that are focused on helping their child with disabilities to have a good life. You may have had help by many people in your unique situation to develop a good plan: extended family and friends, members of your child’s support circle, other families in similar circumstances,...

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Published on: 26 Oct 2022 By ,

Are we there yet? Solidifying the U.S. – E.U. privacy landscape with President Biden’s new Executive Order

On October 7, 2022, President Biden signed an Executive Order (“E.O.”) on Enhancing Safeguards for United States Signals Intelligence Activities. Businesses might be wondering: What, if anything, does this mean for me? Quite simply, if your business transfers personal information from one country or state / province to another country or state / province, you...

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Published on: 27 Dec 2023 By

Do I need a cohabitation agreement?

Cohabitation agreements have become an essential tool for couples embarking on the journey of shared living. What is a cohabitation agreement? A cohabitation agreement is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of couples who choose to live together without getting married. While it may not be the most romantic topic, having such...

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Published on: 21 Feb 2023 By

Johnson & Johnson’s bankruptcy strategy for talcum powder cancer lawsuits rejected by US Court

A US Court of Appeals has rejected a controversial strategy by Johnson & Johnson to use a bankruptcy as a way to deal with billions of dollars worth of claims filed against the company by cancer victims, who allege that J&J’s talcum powder products (e.g., baby powder) cause cancer. As a result of the decision,...

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Published on: 15 Dec 2023 By

Injuries sustained in the course of work: WSIB vs personal injury lawsuit

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) system and a personal injury lawsuit are two paths to compensate individuals who sustained injuries as a result of an accident. However, these two systems do not coexist; an individual can have access to only one of them at a time. In some situations, it is clear which...

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