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Published on: 26 Feb 2021 By

Product recalls: Determining if you’re affected and if you have a legal claim

Health Canada expands growing list of hand sanitizer recalls… What to know about Canada’s onion recall… Fresh imported peaches recalled due to salmonella If you search the term “recall” on a Canadian news website, chances are you will find a lengthy list of headlines like these. But despite how often product recalls occur, it’s not...

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Published on: 8 Jul 2024 By

Privacy pulse: Enforcement against Adobe, Microsoft controversies and OPC 23andMe joint investigation

The Siskinds Privacy, Cyber and Data Governance team is focused on providing businesses and professionals with monthly updates and commentary on technology, privacy, and artificial intelligence (A.I.) laws in both the U.S. and Canada. There have been big updates from south of the border, particularly from FTC enforcement against Adobe, the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning...

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Published on: 7 Jan 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Reg. 511/09: did they really mean this?

Some of the previously unannounced Reg. 511/09 amendments to Ontario’s brownfields regulation, 153/04, seem to have unexpected effects. For example, wells for dewatering or for groundwater treatment may now require every property within 250 metres to use potable (not non-potable) cleanup standards. This is how it works:

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Published on: 10 Jan 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

US toxics overhaul

Most modern toxic substances control laws are based on the 1976 US Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. §2601 et seq. (TSCA).  It provides the US Environmental Protection Agency with authority to require reporting, record-keeping and testing requirements, and restrictions relating to certain kinds of chemical substances and/or mixtures,  such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), asbestos,...

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Published on: 5 Dec 2023 By

Banman v Ontario, the preferable procedure requirement, and institutional abuse litigation

The first stage of a class proceeding is the certification stage. Certification is a procedural step, the purpose of which is to screen out cases that are not appropriate to be dealt with on a class-wide basis. In Ontario, an action is certified if it passes the five-step test outlined in section 5 of the...

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Published on: 12 Apr 2013 By

The Wit (not just wisdom) of the Bench

Most people (even lawyers!) usually think that reading case law is dry and humourless. But it depends on the judge! There have been several decisions over the last few years that have shown that judges have a sharp wit and a flair for writing! Take a moment to enjoy these. One example is R. v. Duncan,...

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Published on: 5 Jun 2013 By

Inspections v Investigations: Do You Know the Difference?

Do you manage a business? Do you know the difference between an EPA inspection and an EPA investigation? In the newest post from our blog Clearing the Air, Paula Lombardi looks at this important issue and offers advice that will help your business be prepared.As mentioned in the last post, the Environmental Protection Act (EPA)...

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