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Published on: 8 Oct 2020 By

Largest foodborne illness outbreak in years linked to onions contaminated with Salmonella

Hundreds of confirmed cases of Salmonella in Canada are linked to a nationwide outbreak arising from contaminated onions. It is the largest single outbreak of foodborne illness in Canada since 2014. Symptoms of Salmonella infection include: Nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; abdominal pain; headache; dizziness; myalgia; and low-grade fever. Symptoms typically develop within 6 to 72 hours after...

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Published on: 26 Jul 2023 By

Emojis can now amount to a contractual agreement

Back in January 2023 in our blog post, “How do I know if I have formed a contract?”, we discussed how emojis can indicate an intention to enter into a contract. Briefly, we discussed the case in Israel called Dahan v Haim, where a judge ruled that a prospective tenant sending text messages containing several...

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Published on: 26 Jul 2022 By

Arthritis medication Xeljanz linked to risk of heart attack and cancer

Pfizer’s Xeljanz and Xeljanz XR (tofacitinib), a popular drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ulcerative colitis, has been linked to an increased risk of serious heart problems, cancer, and death, especially in older patients – the largest demographic among Xeljanz users. A large clinical trial showed a higher rate of serious heart-related...

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Published on: 7 Feb 2023 By

Title insurance: Your Title fraud security blanket

Title fraud occurs where an imposter sells or refinances your home without your knowledge. The question then becomes: if it happens without your knowledge, how can you protect yourself? We see it in the media, “Impersonators posing as homeowners linked to 32 property fraud cases in Ontario and B.C”1. Unfortunately, this is nothing new, it...

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Published on: 10 Feb 2023 By

Failed real estate deals: The assessment date for damages

It is inevitable that some deals fall apart, but the consequences and frequency of these failures can vary based on whether it occurs in a rising, falling or stable market. The state of the market may also affect who the at-fault party is likely to be. With declining purchase prices, failed real estate deals have...

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Published on: 22 Jan 2024 By (She/Her)

Fault in left-turn collisions

Left-turn collisions often occur at intersections. One driver may be going straight through the intersection while another, proceeding in the opposite direction, is attempting to turn left at the light. Examples of behaviour that can result in a left-turn collision include: When a collision occurs, it may be unclear who is at fault. Ontario case...

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Published on: 23 Oct 2020 By
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Bladder pain medication Elmiron linked to vision loss

Elmiron, a drug to treat a bladder condition affecting hundreds of thousands of Canadians, has been reported to cause vision loss in long-term users. Elmiron is an oral medication approved to treat interstitial cystitis (also known as painful bladder syndrome). Scientific studies link long-term use of Elmiron to vision issues, including a novel and progressive...

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Published on: 25 Jul 2023 By

Going to court in Ontario: Commencing a legal application in a commercial litigation dispute

What is a Legal Application? A legal application refers to the form of the court procedure used to resolve a legal dispute. An application differs from a legal action. An action is the standard legal process that most people are familiar with. While an action concludes with a trial before a judge with live witnesses,...

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Published on: 13 Mar 2023 By

My business suffered a ransomware attack. Should I pay?

Ransomware attacks have become an increasingly common threat for businesses of all sizes, and it is essential for your business to have a plan in place for how to respond if your organization is ever targeted. During the ransomware attack, among the most critical decisions that your business will have to make is whether or...

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Published on: 28 Dec 2023 By

McLean v. Canada (Attorney General) highlights the importance of filing a timely claim for compensation in a class action

A recent Federal Court case highlights the importance of timely claims in a class action claims process. While late claims may be accepted in extenuating circumstances, courts generally do not have jurisdiction to modify a settlement entered into by the parties. In McLean v. Canada (Attorney General), 2023 FC 1093, a class action instituted on...

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