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Published on: 20 Jun 2023 By

Going to court: Navigating commercial litigation in Ontario

When faced with a business-related dispute, understanding the steps involved before initiating a legal proceeding in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice is crucial to protect your rights and reaching a proper conclusion. Three main steps in a legal action Whether you’re dealing with contractual disputes, business conflicts, or financial disagreements, there are three stages...

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Published on: 18 Jan 2017 By

Raibex Canada Ltd. v ASWR Franchising Corp., Implications for Franchisors

Executive Summary and Client Advisory This case, decided late in the late Fall of 2016 and currently under appeal, is potentially highly problematic to franchisors who sign franchise agreements with prospects before a site has been selected. In essence, the trial judge found that doing so is not in compliance with the Ontario’s franchise disclosure...

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Published on: 10 Mar 2021 By

Top five things you need to know to get your business to be PCI compliant

Does your business accept payment via credit card? If so, you will likely need to be PCI compliant. This article provides a step-by-step guide for beginners on what PCI compliance is and how to get your business PCI compliant. 1. What is PCI DSS? The PCI Security Standards Council (the “Council”) was founded by large...

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Published on: 14 Aug 2018 By

Tech firms must follow Canadian anti-spam laws

Two tech companies were recently fined a total of $250,000 for the installation of malicious software through online ads. The case is the first where firms were fined by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) for breaching Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) sending the message that the federal agency is checking on tech firms to determine...

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Published on: 27 Sep 2023 By

What is the Income Replacement Benefit under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule?

A person’s contract with their own auto insurance company includes the potential payment of Income Replacement Benefits. This benefit is mandatory to all Ontario automobile insurance policies and it is defined under section 4 of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). The Income Replacement Benefit intends to compensate a person who, within 104 weeks after...

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Published on: 19 Dec 2023 By

Navigating self-representation at court: Understanding legal costs and awards

Starting a lawsuit can be unpleasant, costly, and time-consuming. The legal system is not intended for self-represented parties, but sometimes people have no choice but to represent themselves. Sometimes, self-represented parties lose their case. Sometimes, they prevail. Typically, when a party wins at trial, they receive compensation for damages, and also something called a costs...

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Published on: 11 Jan 2018 By

‘Canada: it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion’

Siskinds franchise lawyer Peter Dillon was featured in AdvocateDaily.com for his article in the Franchise Law Journal. See the full article below. ‘Canada: it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion:’ Dillon By AdvocateDaily.com Staff While franchising provides an effective way to distribute goods and services, foreign businesses may be dissuaded from expanding here...

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Published on: 1 Sep 2022 By

Beyond “functional disclosure” – Ontario Court of Appeal applies the rule from Handley Estate in CHU de Québec-Université Laval v. Tree of Knowledge International Corp.

In multi-party litigation, situations may arise where one or more defendants are inclined to settle a plaintiff’s claims while others are not. In these circumstances, the settling defendant may execute a settlement agreement with the plaintiff called a Pierringer agreement. Essentially, Pierringer agreements allow one or more settling defendants to withdraw from the plaintiff’s action while the...

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Published on: 12 Dec 2023 By

Beware of what you post: Navigating social media disclosure in personal injury cases

In Ontario, the law recognizes the relevance of social media content in personal injury cases. This means a plaintiff may be required to provide to the defendant any posts, photos, or other information on their social media accounts that may be relevant to the case, such as details about their physical or mental condition, activities,...

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Published on: 24 Nov 2023 By

What happens if we reconcile?

As a family law lawyer in Ontario, I often find myself at the intersection of personal relationships and the legal framework that governs them. One of the most intriguing and challenging aspects of my practice is dealing with cases involving reconciliation. In this blog post, I will explain what happens when parties in Ontario family...

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