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Ford Fuel Economy

In October 2019, the law firms of Siskinds LLP, Sotos LLP, Mackenzie Lake Lawyers LLP and Robins Appleby LLP (collectively โ€œClass Counselโ€) commenced a proposed class proceeding in British Columbia alleging that Ford Motor Company and Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited (collectively, โ€œFordโ€) misrepresented the fuel efficiency of the following vehicles: Class Counsel are...

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Published on: 2 Apr 2024 By

Privacy pulse: A series on data governance

As a business owner or professional, you may be experiencing challenges navigating privacy laws throughout various jurisdictions, protecting personal and confidential information, and understanding the risks associated with non-compliance. As a Certified Information Privacy Professional in Canada and the United States, I frequently receive requests on how businesses can simply keep up with this rapidly...

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Published on: 13 Apr 2021 By

Why Canada’s regulatory crackdown on unregistered cryptocurrency exchanges is good news for investors

In Staff Notice 21-329 Guidance for Crypto-Asset Trading Platforms: Compliance with Regulatory Requirements (โ€œSN 21-329โ€), the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) issued an ultimatum to crypto asset platforms operating within Canada or with Canadian users: Register, or else. Published on March 11, 2021 jointly with IIROC1, SN 21-329 attempts to fully integrate these crypto asset trading...

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Published on: 29 Apr 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Wind turbines don’t hurt property values

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) has released a new report, again concluding that wind turbines do not adversely affect the value of nearby properties. “MPAC commissioned this study of the effects of industrial wind turbines (IWT) on the current value of property in proximity to the turbines. Over the last few years, the subject...

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Published on: 11 May 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Gas from fracking dirtier than coal?

Hydraulic fracturing, in pursuit of shale gas, can cause serious groundwater problems, which are sometimes excused on the ground that the climate needs natural gas to displace coal. It’s therefore shocking to learn that shale gas could have worse GHG emissions than coal, according to a Cornell study published in the May issue of Climatic...

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Published on: 7 Jan 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Proposed law to ban organic waste from landfills

Former environment minister Norm Sterling has introduced a private member’s Bill to ban organic waste from landfills. The Bill would amend the Environmental Protection Act. Most private members’ Bills die on the order paper, but some make it through and become law, with the support of the governing party. Mr. Sterling’s Bill received at least...

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Published on: 5 Dec 2019 By

Investigations and inspections

What to do when the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks comes knocking It can be unnerving when a provincial officer from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (โ€œMECPโ€) shows up at your business unannounced. Being prepared, and understanding your rights and responsibilities, is critical in protecting your interests. Inspections versus investigations...

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Published on: 16 Sep 2021 By

Securities misrepresentation class action gone wrong – Superior Court denies leave under section 138.3 of the Ontario Securities Act and refuses certification of remaining claims

In Badesha v Cronos Group, Justice Morgan denied the plaintiffโ€™s motions for leave to proceed with statutory misrepresentation claims under Part XXIII.1 of the Ontario Securities Act (โ€œOSAโ€) and for certification pursuant to the Class Proceedings Act, 1992. The case raises interesting questions about how a plaintiff ought to plead a securities misrepresentation claim, and...

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Published on: 2 Aug 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Massachusetts expert panel on wind and health recommends comparing all energy sources

Typically, at distances larger than 400 m, sound pressure levels for modern wind turbines are less than 40 dB(A), which is below the level associated with annoyance in the epidemiological studies reviewed.... The considerations should take into account trade-offs between environmental and health impacts of different energy sources, national and state goals for energy independence, potential extent of impacts, etc.

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