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Published on: 10 Jan 2024 By

Large foodborne illness outbreak linked to Cantaloupe contaminated with Salmonella

As of December 22, 2023, there have been seven deaths and 164 confirmed cases of Salmonella in Canada linked to a nationwide outbreak arising from contaminated Cantaloupes. Symptoms of Salmonella infection include: Symptoms typically develop within 6 to 72 hours after consuming contaminated food, and usually last for several days. However, severe cases can last much longer,...

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Published on: 18 Jan 2024 By (She/Her)

Sexual abuse matters in the civil and criminal systems – what’s the difference?

Instances of sexual abuse can be addressed legally in the civil and criminal systems. Some matters may end up in both. The processes, purposes of, and possible outcomes in each differ. Criminal matter A criminal case is pursued by the Crown with the benefit of police investigation. The goal of the criminal matter is to...

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Published on: 8 Feb 2019 By

Coffee giant, franchisee group close to settling two class action lawsuits

Franchise lawyer Peter Dillon recently spoke with Advocate Daily about a Canadian coffee giant and frustrated franchisees that appear to be close to reaching a settlement in two class action lawsuits. See the full article below. Coffee giant, franchisee group close to settling two class action lawsuits A Canadian coffee giant and an association representing...

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Published on: 21 Jan 2019 By ,

Why Failing to Immediately Disclose a Litigation Agreement in Multi-Party Litigation is Dangerous and Costly

Summary Litigation agreements in multi-party litigation are required to be immediately disclosed to the other parties in the litigation (“Other Parties”). A litigation agreement is broadly defined as an agreement that has the effect of changing the adversarial position of the parties set out in their pleadings into a co-operative one.[1] Failure to immediately disclose...

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Published on: 17 May 2021 By

My data was lost! Can I be compensated?

Data breaches are among the most common areas of subject matter for Canadian class actions in 2021. There are currently more than 80 class actions involving privacy breaches in progress across the country.1 Siskinds itself represents class members in several prominent ongoing privacy breach class actions, including ones involving Desjardins, Facebook, and Marriott, and recently...

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Published on: 11 May 2018 By

Siskinds files proposed class action against Facebook

Note: This article was also published on AdvocateDaily.com By Rob Lamberti, AdvocateDaily.com Contributor A class-action lawsuit filed by Siskinds LLP against Facebook continues to collect plaintiffs who may have had their data scraped by Cambridge Analytica through an app on the popular social media platform, says London, Ont. privacy lawyer Peter Dillon. The lawsuit represents at least...

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Published on: 19 Mar 2024 By

The legal responsibility of vehicle owners when lending their vehicles

It is common practice to lend a vehicle to a family member or a friend. People do it without thinking twice. However, in the case of a car crash on a public road, there are legal implications not only for the driver but also for the owner of the vehicle. The Ontario Court of Appeal...

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Published on: 11 Apr 2018 By

Canadian companies may soon be impacted by the GDPR

Siskinds technology, privacy and cybersecurity lawyer Peter Dillon, was recently interviewed by AdvocateDaily.com regarding the European Union’s new rules for data protection and how it may impact Canadian companies. Read the full article below. Canadian companies may soon be impacted by the GDPR By Mia Clarke, Associate Editor The European Union’s new rules for data...

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