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Published on: 7 Apr 2015 By

Retrial: lower fines for environmental consultant

In 2011, we wrote about the record $161,000 in fines imposed upon an environmental consultant and his company. In addition, $40,500 in fines were imposed on their clients, Mr. James Sinclair and his company Sinclair Landing, owner of a contaminated site. Following an appeal and retrial, the fines imposed on geo-environmental firm Bruce A. Brown Associates...

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Published on: 23 Feb 2016 By

$4 million Settlement In Class Action Approved For Distribution

TORONTO Feb. 17, 2016 /CNW/ – Siskinds LLP of London, Ontario, James H. Brown and Associates of Edmonton, Albert and D’Arcy & Deacon LLP of Calgary, Alberta announced today the court approval of a protocol for the distribution of settlement funds in the XL Foods class action. The class action was commenced in connection with...

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Published on: 12 Jun 2012 By (She/Her)

Why You Should Pay Attention to Class Action Notices

This paper answers the question – why should you pay attention to a class action notice. To answer this question, it is necessary to provide some background regarding the content and purpose of class action notices. Introduction This paper answers the question – why should you pay attention to a class action notice. To answer...

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Published on: 30 Sep 2016 By

A Case for Parent-Entity Tort Liability for Wrongful Conduct at Subsidiary Operations

The development of the common law depends on the Bar proposing something new when circumstances require. I recognize that’s not new thinking. Denning said it in 1954 and certainly better than me, in Parker: If we never do anything which has not been done before, we shall never get anywhere. The law will stand still...

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Published on: 15 Apr 2020 By (She/Her)

Guide to automobile accident benefit forms

Statutory Accident Benefits (“accident benefits”) are available to those who are injured as a result of the “use or operation of a motor vehicle”. This includes passengers, drivers, cyclists, or those who are injured by motor vehicles as pedestrians. Accident benefits are available regardless of fault and are therefore often referred to as “no-fault” benefits. ...

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Published on: 5 Jul 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Off-shore wind turbines: new rules

Off-shore wind turbines will likely have the best winds, but they also involve complex tradeoffs different from those that apply on land. The Renewable Energy Approvals (REA) regulation (O. Reg. 359/09) under the Environmental Protection Act therefore contemplates a special approvals regime for off-shore wind.[i] The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has now released a...

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