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Published on: 1 Dec 2010 By

Taxonomy, Critical to Biodiversity. Really.

Taxonomy is the science that accurately identifies, classifies and documents plant and animal species.  It provides the “language” through which we can study biodiversity. It’s an exciting time for taxonomy, as advances in computer technology and genetic techniques change the pace at which taxonomic information becomes available.

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Published on: 3 Apr 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

New Rules on QPs

The MOE has pushed ahead with its regulation to restrict Environmental Site Assessments to professional engineers and geoscientists, as of October, 2009. O. Reg. 66/08 amends the definition of Qualified Person in O. Reg. 153/04. This will exclude agrologists and technologists, who now perform some ESAs. Some minor changes come into force immediately, allowing engineers...

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Published on: 10 Jun 2016 By

Misrepresentation in Accredited Investor Prospectus Exempt Offerings in Ontario

Part I – Mind the Angle Shooters The more dangerous malefactors are the men in high places who take a good property, overcapitalize it, appraise its value at many times what it is worth, use artful publicity and market methods to beguile the public into believing the stock is worth par or more, and foist...

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Published on: 28 Jun 2019 By

Federal Carbon Tax Constitutional

Today, Ontario’s Court of Appeal found that the Federal Government’s Carbon scheme is constitutional, “regulatory in nature”, and “not a tax.” The Honourable Strathy, Chief Justice of Ontario, wrote that the Act[1] “is within Parliament’s jurisdiction to legislate in relation to matters of ‘national concern’ under the ‘Peace, Order, and good Government’ (‘POGG’) clause of...

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Published on: 23 Sep 2019 By

Risky business: Alleging cause if you don’t have it

So you have a problem employee that you want to terminate. Your employment lawyer reminds you that you would owe nothing to the employee in a “for cause” termination, but that it’s unlikely that you could prove cause in the circumstances. She then goes on to assess your common law reasonable notice obligation in a “without cause”...

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Published on: 26 Sep 2019 By

Financial restatements and leave under part XXIII.1 of the Securities Act in Cappelli v Nobilis Health Corp.: A step in the wrong direction

In Cappelli v Nobilis Health Corp.[1] (“Cappelli”), Justice Perell, for purposes of a leave motion under Part XXIII.1 of Ontario’s Securities Act (“OSA”), considered the evidentiary value of an issuer’s public disclosure that it was restating previous financials and had control weaknesses. His Honour gave less weight to the restatement and admission of control weaknesses...

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Published on: 4 Mar 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

First Environmental Penalty

Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment has issued its first-ever environmental penalty under its so-called “you-spill, you-pay” legislation. Director Bill Bardswick ordered CGC Inc. of Hagersville to pay the province $9,000, for allowing contaminated runoff from its gypsum processing plant to enter a tributary of the Grand River on September 26, 2007. This is a purely...

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Published on: 10 Dec 2019 By

6 key elements of a business succession plan

Business succession planning is an important part of operating a successful business and developing a strong retirement plan. In this article, retired Siskinds’ partner and business lawyer, Henry Berg, discusses the importance of careful and intentional planning in order to ensure a successful business transition. For more information on professional corporations, please reach out to Katherine...

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Published on: 2 Dec 2017 By

Chris Collins comments on G&M article regarding independent medical examinations

Don’t accept insurer’s examinations without question: “Doctors are taking in millions of dollars a year by putting their names to accident injury reports for the insurance industry. Some of these reports unfairly discredit injury claims, leaving victims intimidated and exhausted.” Thanks to the Globe and Mail for shining the light on the abusive nature of...

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