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Published on: 29 Aug 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

How fish farms can hurt wild salmon

Here in Ontario, we are hearing almost nothing from the British Columbia Cohen Commission inquiry into the decline of sockeye salmon, whose final report will not be released until next June. It was therefore fascinating, and horrifying, to discover Alexandra Morton’s blog on the evidence being heard each day. Dr. Kristi Miller, for example, is...

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Published on: 27 Apr 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Clotheslines, pesticides, and water bottles

This year, Earth week in Ontario was marked by three small steps in the long battle to keep from destroying our own world. Each of the three had as much cultural as legal significance. Last summer, this blog got coast-to-coast publicity for our call for action on clothesline bans. Clothesline bans are often part of...

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Published on: 20 Aug 2018 By

Divisional Court Refuses to Award Costs in Judicial Review of the White Pines Wind Project

The Honourable Marc Labrosse of the Divisional Court recently refused both moving partiesโ€™ demands for costs in the latest iteration of CCSAGE Naturally Greenโ€™s (โ€œCCSAGEโ€) judicial review challenging various administrative decisions relating to the White Pines Wind Project. Labrosse Jโ€™s costs endorsement of August 9, 2018 (reported as CCSAGE Naturally Green v. Director, Sec. 47.5...

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Published on: 27 Feb 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Things we wish judges knew about environmental offences by directors

Dianne Saxe had a precious opportunity to tell judges what we wish they knew about environmental offences by directors and and officers, particularly in relation toย sentencing. Our bottom lines: Fairness, Good Science, and the real differences between Foresight and Hindsight. It is rarely constructive to severely punish people who are already doing their best, but...

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U.S. Waiver

If you have been charged with a criminal offence in Canada or the United States, depending on the outcome of your criminal case, you may be denied entry to the U.S. and you may have to apply for a U.S. waiver. Our team can assist you with preparation of the U.S. waiver application and subsequent renewals.

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Published on: 12 Dec 2013 By

Buyerโ€™s Remorse: Cancelling A Consumer Agreement

Buyerโ€™s remorse: that feeling you get the moment you realize youโ€™ve made a purchasing decision that seemed like a good idea at the time, but later seems like a huge mistake.ย Buyerโ€™s remorse can happen for a number of reasons, and is especially common where you feel pressure to make a decision, or do not have...

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Published on: 20 Mar 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Bitter bedbug battle

Over the past decade, North America and western Europe have seen an alarmingย  resurgence of bedbugs in homes, university dormitories, apartments and hotels.ย  Although the reason for the proliferation of bedbugs is not clear, some attribute this to the increase in international travel, use of narrower spectrum insecticides targetting other insect pests (that donโ€™t work...

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In Our Firm

Siskinds values and encourages equity, diversity and inclusivity in our firm and in our community. We understand that actualizing these values is a journey, one we are approaching with the understanding that we have much to learn. We aspire to foster an environment that is increasingly welcoming and inclusive, that recognizes and values differences. We...

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