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Published on: 25 Jul 2023 By

Xeljanz, linked to heart attacks, blood clots, and cancers – is now approved to treat arthritis of the spine

Xeljanz, an arthritis drug that has been the subject of multiple Health Canada advisories due to its potential to expose users to serious health risks (including heart attack, cancer, and death), has now been approved for use to treat a new type of chronic health condition: ankylosing spondylitis. Xeljanz is an arthritis drug prescribed for...

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Published on: 6 Nov 2012 By

Estate Planning In The Digital Age

Making a Will is one of the most important tasks you will complete during your lifetime. A Will is a document that, amongst other things, provides for the orderly distribution of your property after your death and appoints an executor to carry out this distribution.  A Will is essential in order to simplify matters following...

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Published on: 18 Jan 2017 By

Raibex Canada Ltd. v ASWR Franchising Corp., Implications for Franchisors

Executive Summary and Client Advisory This case, decided late in the late Fall of 2016 and currently under appeal, is potentially highly problematic to franchisors who sign franchise agreements with prospects before a site has been selected. In essence, the trial judge found that doing so is not in compliance with the Ontario’s franchise disclosure...

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Published on: 13 Apr 2022 By

Yes, no or maybe so? Are evidentiary requirements on OSA leave motions broadening?

In O’Brien v. Maxar Technologies Inc., Justice Akbarali declined to grant the plaintiffs’ motion for leave to proceed with claims under section 138.3(1) of the Ontario Securities Act (“OSA”), concluding that there was no reasonable possibility that the action would be resolved in favour of the plaintiffs at trial. Because leave was not granted, the...

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Published on: 12 Jul 2013 By

What Should You Do If You Are Being Investigated?

Previously, Clearing the Air examined the difference between an MOE inspection and an investigation. In her latest entry, Paula Lombardi provides details on what you should do if you find yourself the subject of an investigation. If you are being investigated or inspected, having a clear operating procedure in circumstances when the MOE shows up...

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Published on: 27 Mar 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Feed in Tariff update for renewable energy

Wind and Solar Tariffs Reduced New Emphasis on Community Power–10% of Capacity Set Aside Substantial Increase in Inflation Adjustment for Biomass and Biogas Program Moves to Annual Review Possible New Renewable Targets No Word on Connection Barriers and Inclusion of New Technologies Paul Gipe has graciously allowed us to publish his analysis of the long...

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Published on: 10 Aug 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Waste diversion, odour and climate change

Clare Booth Luce, the famous American playwright, journalist, ambassador, and Congresswoman, used to say, “no good deed goes unpunished”. To my regret, this sardonic and rather depressing phrase is, all too often, a good description of environmental laws. One example is the management of odour issues from waste diversion.

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Published on: 2 Apr 2018 By

Environmental Review Tribunal Denies Costs for Successful REA Appellants

In the latest chapter in the appeal of the renewable energy approval (“REA”) for a wind farm in Clearview Township, Simcoe County, the Environmental Review Tribunal (“Tribunal”) denied the Appellants’ request for costs. The Appellants, comprised of an assortment of individuals, municipalities, and a corporation, appealed a REA issued in 2016 by the Director of...

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