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Published on: 5 Aug 2014 By (She/Her)

Consent of Minors to Medical Treatment

The basis for the requirement of consent is found in the common law and in legislation in several provinces1 including Ontario. Interestingly, consent and capacity legislation varies among the provinces such that there are differences among the provinces as to the requirements and conditions for obtaining consent. Two general requirements and conditions for obtaining consent...

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Published on: 26 Jul 2023 By

Emojis can now amount to a contractual agreement

Back in January 2023 in our blog post, โ€œHow do I know if I have formed a contract?โ€, we discussed how emojis can indicate an intention to enter into a contract. Briefly, we discussed the case in Israel called Dahan v Haim, where a judge ruled that a prospective tenant sending text messages containing several...

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Published on: 15 Dec 2023 By

Injuries sustained in the course of work: WSIB vs personal injury lawsuit

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) system and a personal injury lawsuit are two paths to compensate individuals who sustained injuries as a result of an accident. However, these two systems do not coexist; an individual can have access to only one of them at a time. In some situations, it is clear which...

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Published on: 8 Aug 2024 By

Privacy pulse: CrowdStrikeโ€™s costly software update, PC Optimum investigation, and Googleโ€™s database leak

The Siskinds Privacy, Cyber and Data Governance team is focused on providing businesses and professionals with monthly updates on technology, privacy, and artificial intelligence (A.I.) laws in both the U.S. and Canada. For July, we have many updates to share from a global IT outage, massive privacy settlements in the US and Google ending its...

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Published on: 11 Sep 2014 By

Impact of Tim Hortonsโ€™ deal on franchisees remains to be seen

Siskinds partner Peter Dillon wrote an article for Advocatedaily.com regarding theย recently proposed Burger King – Tim Horton’s transaction and the potential impact it could have on franchisees.Full article, published on AdvocateDaily below. Weโ€™ve all heard the axioms that โ€œnothing succeeds like success,โ€ or โ€œit takes money to make money.โ€ In a world that is becoming...

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Published on: 8 Nov 2019 By

What are your environmental rights in Ontario? An overview of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993, S.O. 1993, c 28

Is there a right to a healthful environment in Ontario? Who has that right and what does it entail? Does the public have any say in the governmentโ€™s ability to make environmentally significant decisions? These questions are the subject of longstanding and ongoing debates in Canadian environmental law. While no Canadian court has recognized constitutional...

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