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Published on: 22 Dec 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

SLAPP Panel recommends anti-SLAPP law

The Ministry of the Attorney General has published the report of the Anti-SLAPP Advisory Panel. The report is on the Ministry’s web site at: http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/anti_slapp/anti_slapp_final_report_en.pdf. The panel adopted most of the Ontario Bar Association recommendations that I helped to develop and present this summer. Here are the Panel’s conclusions:

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Published on: 13 Apr 2020 By

The basics of the federal government wage subsidy programs

With each passing day during the COVID-19 pandemic, there seem to be more programs, lists and rules to be aware of. It can feel overwhelming to keep it all straight, so this blog will focus on the Federal Government’s two wage subsidy programs: the 10% Temporary Wage Subsidy and the 75% Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy.   The 10% Temporary...

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Published on: 14 Sep 2018 By

Recent Developments in Securities Class Actions: Pre-Certification Jurisdictional Challenges

Today, capital markets are essentially borderless. Stock exchanges with physical trading floors have become an anachronism. Electronic transactions are the norm. With the click of a button, Canadian investors can buy and sell securities of foreign companies on foreign stock exchanges. But what happens when a Canadian investor loses money on their investment because the...

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Published on: 21 Aug 2014 By

Millions for offsite gasoline contamination

The Ontario Superior Court has awarded millions to a neighbouring property owner for historic offsite gasoline contamination. The decision in Canadian Tire Real Estate Ltd. v. Huron Concrete Supply Ltd. illustrates, and will perpetuate, the continuing confusion over liability for off site groundwater plumes. Justice Leitch never explains how her decision can be reconciled with the landmark Smith v....

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Published on: 20 Jul 2021 By

Online presence for physicians: Appropriate use of social media

Our interactions and presence on social media have continued to increase, especially during the pandemic when the need and desire to stay connected with one another has been heightened. Many professionals, including physicians, use social media in their practice as an effective tool to communicate and interact with colleagues and patients, market their practice and...

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Published on: 26 Oct 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

Who is responsible for fixing lead-contaminated drinking water?

Recent attention to lead-contaminated drinking water has many Ontarians questioning the safety of the water in their own homes. So, how do you know if there’s lead in your drinking water? How much lead is unsafe? And, who is responsible for fixing the problem? The most likely source of lead in drinking water is plumbing...

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Published on: 26 Sep 2019 By

Financial restatements and leave under part XXIII.1 of the Securities Act in Cappelli v Nobilis Health Corp.: A step in the wrong direction

In Cappelli v Nobilis Health Corp.[1] (“Cappelli”), Justice Perell, for purposes of a leave motion under Part XXIII.1 of Ontario’s Securities Act (“OSA”), considered the evidentiary value of an issuer’s public disclosure that it was restating previous financials and had control weaknesses. His Honour gave less weight to the restatement and admission of control weaknesses...

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Published on: 12 May 2020 By ,

Business Essentials – Episode 4: Immigration law, foreign workers, government processing times & more

In Siskinds’ Business Essentials, a limited-run podcast series, Chris Sinal of Siskinds’ labour & employment group sits down with some of the firm’s business lawyers to discuss current issues and challenges facing our clients as they adapt to the new business environment resulting from COVID-19. Be sure to like and subscribe to the podcast by...

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Published on: 10 Mar 2021 By

Top five things you need to know to get your business to be PCI compliant

Does your business accept payment via credit card? If so, you will likely need to be PCI compliant. This article provides a step-by-step guide for beginners on what PCI compliance is and how to get your business PCI compliant. 1. What is PCI DSS? The PCI Security Standards Council (the “Council”) was founded by large...

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Published on: 24 Apr 2009 By (Dianne Saxe)

Some good news for a change

Terrible environmental news comes to my inbox every day. In honour of the week of Earth Day, let’s have a little good news instead. On the future of our desperately imperilled oceans: 1.    In 2010, more than 800 of the world’s single-hulled oil tankers will finally be scrapped, 20 years after the Exxon Valdez catastrophe. ...

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