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Published on: 17 Sep 2018 By

DIY investors fight back against trailer fees

Trailing commissions (also known as trailer fees) are intended to compensate mutual fund dealers, such as discount brokers, for investment advice they provide to investors. However, discount brokers are prohibited from providing investment advice under the law. Siskinds LLP is pursuing claims on behalf of retail investors who have paid trailing commissions on mutual funds...

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Published on: 27 Sep 2023 By

Navigating the complex world of Letters of Intent: A buy-side guide

In the rapidly paced, high-stakes game of mergers and acquisitions (M&As), the first move is not dissimilar to a game of chess; a good opening will set the pace for the rest of the game. In M&A deals, the first move must be similarly strategic, resembling an orchestrated dance that establishes the tone for the...

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Published on: 10 Jan 2024 By

Large foodborne illness outbreak linked to Cantaloupe contaminated with Salmonella

As of December 22, 2023, there have been seven deaths and 164 confirmed cases of Salmonella in Canada linked to a nationwide outbreak arising from contaminated Cantaloupes. Symptoms of Salmonella infection include: Symptoms typically develop within 6 to 72 hours after consuming contaminated food, and usually last for several days. However, severe cases can last much longer,...

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Published on: 16 Dec 2019 By

Should I franchise my business?

Franchising as a business expansion model has many advantages and can be a great choice for the right business. However, not all businesses are well-suited to be franchised (sometimes called “franchisable”). Moreover, a business needs to be at the right stage to start franchising. This article addresses some characteristics that make a business more or...

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Published on: 9 Mar 2020 By

Consumer e-commerce transactions

Over the past 10 years there has been tremendous growth in e-commerce within Canada. By the year 2020, e-commerce is projected to reach $50 billion, representing approximately 10% of total retail sales in Canada. The main reason for this massive growth in online sales is simple: convenience. Now it is easy to make purchases from...

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Published on: 11 Dec 2014 By

Balance needed in franchise laws, judicial process

As judges have taken a technical and pro-franchisee approach to the interpretation of Canada’s franchise legislation, most recent developments have not proven positive for franchisors, franchise lawyer Peter Dillon says in Corporate LiveWire’s Franchise Law 2014 Virtual Round Table. “This has resulted in fairly easy access by franchisees to the right to rescind the franchise agreement within two...

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Published on: 18 Oct 2017 By

What the Cost of Your Training Kit Says About Your Multi-Level Marketing Company

For aspiring multi-level marketing (“MLM”) or direct selling (“DS”) companies, a positive written opinion by Canada’s Competition Bureau is an important first step in the operational success of their business. However, early decisions in the pricing of “starter kits” or “training kits” can jeopardize that opinion and derail their business before it ever gets to...

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Published on: 2 Apr 2024 By

Privacy pulse: A series on data governance

As a business owner or professional, you may be experiencing challenges navigating privacy laws throughout various jurisdictions, protecting personal and confidential information, and understanding the risks associated with non-compliance. As a Certified Information Privacy Professional in Canada and the United States, I frequently receive requests on how businesses can simply keep up with this rapidly...

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