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Published on: 12 Jun 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Financial Assurance after business closes

An MOE order for financial assurance can be enforced even after the business has closed and been evicted from its premises, and even without a full hearing by the Environmental Review Tribunal. The ERT had enough evidence to know that the cleanup would cost much more than the existing financial assurance, so dismissed the operators’...

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Published on: 20 Mar 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Bitter bedbug battle

Over the past decade, North America and western Europe have seen an alarmingย  resurgence of bedbugs in homes, university dormitories, apartments and hotels.ย  Although the reason for the proliferation of bedbugs is not clear, some attribute this to the increase in international travel, use of narrower spectrum insecticides targetting other insect pests (that donโ€™t work...

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Published on: 20 Jan 2020 By

Data Breach Awareness

Everyday hundreds of businesses across Canada have data incidents. From lost bins to hacked computers, businesses need to be aware of their privacy obligations they owe to their customers and clients. Indeed, businesses are now asking themselves not what if I have a data breach, but when will I have a data breach? This new...

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Published on: 19 Oct 2017 By

What are Non-Earner Benefits?

Part of your contract with your own auto insurance company includes the potential payment of Non-Earner Benefits. Non-earner benefits are accident benefits that are available to insured drivers in Ontario. Details of these benefits are found in Part II of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) of the Insurance Act. Non-Earner Benefits are intended to...

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Published on: 14 Jul 2017 By

Lavender v Miller Bernstein: An Auditor’s Duty to Non-Clients

Introduction The Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Lavender v Miller Bernstein[1] recently added to the jurisprudence regarding a defendantโ€™s liability for a negligent misstatement in a situation where the plaintiff did not personally read or rely on the misstatement. Siskinds LLP is counsel to the class members. The decision clarifies the circumstances under which...

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Published on: 10 Dec 2013 By

Terminating Employees on Job-Protected Leaves: Can I do it?

I recently blogged about the Expanding World of Job-Protected Leaves.ย In short, over the course of the last 12 years, new job-protected leaves have been added to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the โ€œESAโ€) at an ever-increasing pace. Employers sometimes call me expressing concern about such leaves.ย Business conditions have changed.ย Performance concerns have arisen.ย Employers need flexibility to...

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Published on: 27 Mar 2023 By

An employment lawyerโ€™s review of an AI-drafted employment agreement

Along with what feels like every other person on the planet, Iโ€™ve been experimenting with ChatGPT. For the uninitiated, ChatGPT is an AI chat bot developed by OpenAI. Iโ€™m hardly an expert on the subject, but ChatGPT does not appear to โ€œthinkโ€ the way humans do. It is incapable of subjective judgment. Essentially, it compares...

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Published on: 27 Jan 2023 By

What does it mean to witness a document?

The pandemic has changed how the world does business. People can buy, sell, and contract without ever meeting face to face. This new digital age emerged from necessity and has grown because of technology like Zoom, TitanFile, and DocuSign. But with this new convenience also comes a new set of considerations. Take DocuSign for example....

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Published on: 8 Jul 2015 By

New SCC Decision Finds Paid Administrative Suspensions Can Trigger Constructive Dismissals

Most employers are familiar with the most common changes to employment contracts that can trigger a constructive dismissal: changing pay, hours, demotions, duties, work location, etc. However, in the March 2015 decision of Potter v. New Brunswick Legal Aid Services Commission, the Supreme Court of Canada overturned two lower court decisions, finding that an 8-week...

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