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Published on: 14 Oct 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

New Biodiversity Treaty in effect this week

Fair sharing of biodiversity: The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization, underย the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), enters into force this week. The Protocol is an international environmental agreement intended toย ensure that those, who share access to genetic resources and associated traditional...

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Published on: 11 Oct 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Enviro West v Copper Mountain, everyone is liable

A long running lawsuit over liability for PCB wastes may finally be over. Inย Enviro West Inc v. Copper Mountain Mining Corp.ย  a waste hauler, Enviro West, unknowingly picked up waste oil highly contaminated with PCBs and mixed it with uncontaminated oil, resulting in substantial damages. At trial, Enviro West was awarded damages against Copper Mountain...

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Published on: 12 Apr 2013 By

The Wit (not just wisdom) of the Bench

Most people (even lawyers!) usually think that reading case law is dry and humourless.ย But it depends on the judge! There have been several decisions over the last few years that have shown that judges have a sharp wit and a flair for writing! Take a moment to enjoy these. One example is R. v. Duncan,...

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Published on: 24 May 2022 By

Concert injuries: Who is responsible for the Astroworld tragedy?

When Travis Scott took the stage at the Astroworld Festival at NRG Park in Houston, Texas on November 5, 2021, the crowd surged forward and the โ€œcrowd crushโ€ resulted in the death of ten people and injuries to hundreds more. To date, nearly 500 lawsuits have been commenced in relation to this incident, most of...

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Published on: 25 Apr 2014 By

To go or not to go? Left turn obligations

We have all been on one side of this dilemma or the other. You are the first car at a traffic light, patiently waiting to turn left with a sea of opposing traffic approaching. The light turns green. Do you move into the intersection or not? Common practice falls into one of two scenarios: Scenario...

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Published on: 5 Jun 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario Failing Our Future on Climate Change

In his latest report, Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner again strongly criticizes the Ontario government for doing too little on climate change. The Ontario government has done a lot, most notably closing coal-fired power plants and adopting the Green Energy Act. In this, Ontario compares well to other provinces and to our foot-dragging federal government. However, Commissioner...

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Published on: 28 Apr 2020 By ,

Update on rent relief for Canadian small businesses

On Friday, April 24, 2020 Prime Minister Trudeau announce more information regarding the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (โ€œCECRAโ€) program. When it was initially announced on April 16, 2020, little more was known about the CECRA program than that it would assist small businesses with rent for April, May and June. See our blog post...

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Published on: 2 Apr 2018 By

Environmental Review Tribunal Denies Costs for Successful REA Appellants

In the latest chapter in the appeal of the renewable energy approval (โ€œREAโ€) for a wind farm in Clearview Township, Simcoe County, the Environmental Review Tribunal (โ€œTribunalโ€) denied the Appellantsโ€™ request for costs. The Appellants, comprised of an assortment of individuals, municipalities, and a corporation, appealed a REA issued in 2016 by the Director of...

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