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Published on: 19 Sep 2019 By

Beyond “9 to 5”: Understanding Ontario’s overtime rules

Aside from some “tweaks”, not much has changed when it comes to the Ontario’s overtime rules[1] in many years. Why then do I see so much employer non-compliance? Are employers unaware of their overtime rights and responsibilities? Or do they simply choose not to comply and hope no one complains? For those employers into the former category,...

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Published on: 7 Dec 2022 By

Privacy and the use of electronic medical and dental records

Physicians, dentists and other health practitioners have professional, legal and ethical responsibilities to keep the personal health information of their patients confidential and private. These obligations are governed and imposed by the regulatory body of each profession as well as various legislation including the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). PHIPA imposes obligations on Health...

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Published on: 14 Jun 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Clean power or the Greenbelt?

Why sacrifice the Greenbelt for a private power plant? And why is municipal opposition being swept away? Are municipalities important and trustworthy partners on the environment? Only when it suits the province. The Municipal Act was revised a few years ago to give municipalities much greater powers and respect on a wide variety of topics,...

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Published on: 14 Oct 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

New Biodiversity Treaty in effect this week

Fair sharing of biodiversity: The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization, under the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), enters into force this week. The Protocol is an international environmental agreement intended to ensure that those, who share access to genetic resources and associated traditional...

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Published on: 29 Aug 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

How fish farms can hurt wild salmon

Here in Ontario, we are hearing almost nothing from the British Columbia Cohen Commission inquiry into the decline of sockeye salmon, whose final report will not be released until next June. It was therefore fascinating, and horrifying, to discover Alexandra Morton’s blog on the evidence being heard each day. Dr. Kristi Miller, for example, is...

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Published on: 27 Jan 2015 By

Province and Feds Sign Great Lakes Act again

The Ontario and federal governments have signed the latest (8th) version of the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health (2014 COA). The purpose of this agreement is to implement Canada’s commitments to protect the Great Lakes made in partnership with the United States under the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality...

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