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Published on: 23 Oct 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Good news: updated Ontario noise guideline

After three years of consideration, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment has adopted a more up-to-date guideline for assessing noise impacts.   “Environmental Noise Guideline Stationary and Transportation Sources – Approval and Planning, Publication NPC-300” is now in force. See NPC 300 or go to the Environmental Registry website at www.ebr.gov.on.ca and enter Registry Number 011-0597

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Published on: 10 Jun 2016 By

Misrepresentation in Accredited Investor Prospectus Exempt Offerings in Ontario

Part I – Mind the Angle Shooters The more dangerous malefactors are the men in high places who take a good property, overcapitalize it, appraise its value at many times what it is worth, use artful publicity and market methods to beguile the public into believing the stock is worth par or more, and foist...

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Published on: 1 Dec 2010 By

Taxonomy, Critical to Biodiversity. Really.

Taxonomy is the science that accurately identifies, classifies and documents plant and animal species.  It provides the “language” through which we can study biodiversity. It’s an exciting time for taxonomy, as advances in computer technology and genetic techniques change the pace at which taxonomic information becomes available.

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Published on: 28 Jun 2019 By

Federal Carbon Tax Constitutional

Today, Ontario’s Court of Appeal found that the Federal Government’s Carbon scheme is constitutional, “regulatory in nature”, and “not a tax.” The Honourable Strathy, Chief Justice of Ontario, wrote that the Act[1] “is within Parliament’s jurisdiction to legislate in relation to matters of ‘national concern’ under the ‘Peace, Order, and good Government’ (‘POGG’) clause of...

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Published on: 4 Feb 2020 By

Coronavirus – Employers’ frequently asked questions

With health experts proclaiming that the Wuhan Novel Coronavirus (i.e., the “Coronavirus”) is likely to become a pandemic, Canadian employers should prepare for the worst and plan how to respond to various employment-related issues that could arise if the virus continues to spread. With that in mind, below are general answers to some of the...

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Published on: 12 Aug 2019 By

Vedanta Resources PLC v Lungowe, [2019] UKSC 20

Removing straitjackets, and widening the potential scope of parent company liability for a subsidiary’s actions Can the parent company of a multinational group owe a duty of care to a third party for the actions of a foreign operating subsidiary? There remains no definitive answer at the time of writing. However, the UK Supreme Court...

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Published on: 8 Nov 2019 By

What are your environmental rights in Ontario? An overview of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993, S.O. 1993, c 28

Is there a right to a healthful environment in Ontario? Who has that right and what does it entail? Does the public have any say in the government’s ability to make environmentally significant decisions? These questions are the subject of longstanding and ongoing debates in Canadian environmental law. While no Canadian court has recognized constitutional...

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Published on: 3 Apr 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

New Rules on QPs

The MOE has pushed ahead with its regulation to restrict Environmental Site Assessments to professional engineers and geoscientists, as of October, 2009. O. Reg. 66/08 amends the definition of Qualified Person in O. Reg. 153/04. This will exclude agrologists and technologists, who now perform some ESAs. Some minor changes come into force immediately, allowing engineers...

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Published on: 4 Mar 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

First Environmental Penalty

Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment has issued its first-ever environmental penalty under its so-called “you-spill, you-pay” legislation. Director Bill Bardswick ordered CGC Inc. of Hagersville to pay the province $9,000, for allowing contaminated runoff from its gypsum processing plant to enter a tributary of the Grand River on September 26, 2007. This is a purely...

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Published on: 24 Jan 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Computers in Law Offices: Good or Bad for the Environment?

How do computers affect the environmental footprint of law offices?It’s easy to add up the negatives. Computers and their peripherals (printers, modems, cables, hubs, etc.) have large resource demands, pollute indoor air and create hazardous waste. Computers chew up power, paper and other resources. In the average office, 14% of the energy purchased is used...

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