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Published on: 27 Nov 2019 By (She/Her) ,

Know your privacy rights

A recent update from the office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada provides insight into the prevalence and effect of data breaches in Canada In the digital age, the Internet plays a significant role in the daily lives of Canadians. Along with the benefits it brings in terms of connectivity, harmful consequences in the form...

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Published on: 29 Nov 2017 By

Video Testimonial – Rear End Collision

A rear-end collision that seemed relatively minor, turned into a permanent issue, a spinal disc herniation, for the person who was hit. After interviewing several lawyers, this person chose Jim Virtue and Rasha El-Tawil, who ensured he had a strong legal outcome. He tells his story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZp-YlTOE9E&feature=youtu.be

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Published on: 2 Dec 2017 By

Chris Collins comments on G&M article regarding independent medical examinations

Don’t accept insurer’s examinations without question: “Doctors are taking in millions of dollars a year by putting their names to accident injury reports for the insurance industry. Some of these reports unfairly discredit injury claims, leaving victims intimidated and exhausted.” Thanks to the Globe and Mail for shining the light on the abusive nature of...

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Published on: 25 Sep 2017 By

Video Testimonial – Motor Vehicle Accident

After being rear-ended, our client tended to her daughter’s injuries before becoming concerned about her own. She soon realized that the back and neck pain she suffered had changed her life in more ways than she could have imagined. Emily Foreman and her team worked alongside our client and secured the support she needed. Our...

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Published on: 15 Aug 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Major changes proposed for shale gas fracking

Advisors to US Energy Secretary, Stephen Chu, have recommended major changes to improve regulation and environmental performance of shale gas fracturing (fracking) in the US.  Public consultation is continuing, and the final report will be released in November. Canadian regulators should be paying close attention, as the recommendations are equally applicable here. The draft report...

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Published on: 7 Dec 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Want to be a Toxic Reduction Planner?

Are you or someone you know interested in becoming a licensed toxic substance reduction planner? If so, the Ministry of the Environment would like to hear from you. They invite all interested to email [email protected] and type “planner” in the subject line. The MOE is creating a Planners Mailing List to keep potential applicants up-to-date.

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