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Published on: 21 Nov 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Thinking about the Occupy question

I agree that municipalities should be permitted to enforce their “no camping” bylaws in city parks. But I also agree with the Occupiers that undue social inequalities are harmful, for the environment and for society as a whole. Richard Wilkinson has done some excellent research on the social effects of inequality.

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Published on: 10 Dec 2015 By

Zofran: The Dangers of Off-Label Drug Use

The Class Actions team at Siskinds LLP recently commenced a new case against the pharmaceutical manufacturers of Zofran. The class action claim alleges that the drug manufacturers failed to warn that off-label use of Zofran is unsafe for pregnant women. Zofran is a powerful anti-nausea medication approved by Health Canada to treat nausea and vomiting...

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Published on: 14 May 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Will Environmental Tribunal enforce public trust in water?

Ecojustice has intervened in an appeal before Ontario’s Environmental Review Tribunal, hoping that they will enforce a public trust in water resources. Nestle Canada Inc. (“Nestle”) runs Ontario’s largest water bottling operation. They pump groundwater from two different sets of wells in the Guelph area. Each well requires a Permit to Take Water (“PTTW”) from the...

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Published on: 11 Dec 2015 By

Zofran: A Drug Manufacturer’s Duty to Warn

The Class Actions team at Siskinds LLP recently commenced a new case against the pharmaceutical manufacturers of Zofran. The class action claim alleges that the drug manufacturers failed to warn that Zofran is unsafe for pregnant women. In Canada, drug manufacturers have a duty to warn of the risks associated with the use of their...

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Published on: 7 Mar 2017 By

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

In the context of a personal injury claim, alternative dispute resolution (also referred to as “ADR”), is a means for the parties to discuss a settlement of the claim without the need for a trial. The term ADR can refer to mediation, arbitration or even formal settlement discussions. ADR is becoming an increasingly popular approach to resolving...

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Published on: 30 Sep 2016 By

A Case for Parent-Entity Tort Liability for Wrongful Conduct at Subsidiary Operations

The development of the common law depends on the Bar proposing something new when circumstances require. I recognize that’s not new thinking. Denning said it in 1954 and certainly better than me, in Parker: If we never do anything which has not been done before, we shall never get anywhere. The law will stand still...

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Published on: 30 Jul 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Personal liability for officers and directors- how far?

Should company directors and officers be personally liable for contamination they did not cause? “Directors’ liability is one of the primary instruments used by policymakers to promote good corporate governance. However, … [t]he imposition of ever-increasing personal liability on directors may eventually affect the management and business efficiency of Canadian corporations.” So concludes a research...

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