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Published on: 30 Nov 2021 By

Correcting โ€œpublic correctionโ€: The Court of Appeal provides further guidance in Baldwin v Imperial Metals Corporation

The public correction of misrepresentations has come to play an increasingly prominent role in decisions for leave to proceed with the statutory case of action for misrepresentation provided to secondary market investors under Part XXIII.1 of the Securities Act. In Baldwin v Imperial Metals Corporation, Chief Justice Strathy, writing for the Court of Appeal, further...

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Published on: 16 Aug 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Hide and seek with bylaws

The Internet has been an enormous boon to those needing to keep up with municipal bylaws. Instead of the old process of sending a student down to City Hall, now we just access the city’s website. ย But it turns out that municipalities have as much trouble keeping their websites up-to-date as everybody else. On the...

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Published on: 7 Aug 2014 By

Canada lags US in protecting endangered Sage-Grouse

In July, the US Fish and Wildlife Service launched a website to โ€œcommunicate the breadth of the ongoing conservation actions underway to support Greater Sage-Grouse and the sage brush habitat the bird and 350 other species need.โ€ The Greater Sage-Grouse website highlights work being done at the federal, state, NGO and individual level. Public affairs...

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Published on: 22 Mar 2019 By

Repeal of Toxic Reductions Act โ€“ Friend or Foe

The Ontario government recently voted in Committee to remove Schedule 10 from Bill 66,ย Restoring Ontarioโ€™s Competitiveness Act. The removal of Schedule 10 was in response to comments received concerning impacts to farmland, drinking water sources and other natural areas that risked being pressured for development.ย  Schedule 10 proposed to amend the Planning Act (โ€œActโ€) to...

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Published on: 4 Jun 2024 By

What are non-earner benefits?

Non-earner benefits are one of the accident benefits included in a standard automobile insurance policy in Ontario. Employed adults injured in a motor vehicle accident can apply for income replacement benefits, a benefit included in their automobile insurance policy. Historically, those who cannot qualify for income replacement benefits such as students, unemployed, and retired individuals...

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Published on: 28 Mar 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Mine or hauler: Who's responsible for Waste PCB Oil?

In Enviro West Inc. v. Copper Mountain Mining Corp. a waste hauler wasย hired to remove waste oil from a transformer at a mine. Despite several oral and written warnings, the hauler didn’t realize the oil was heavily contaminated with PCBs. As a result, the hauler mixed the PCBs with other oils, creating extensive PCB contamination...

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