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Published on: 31 Jan 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Fielding suing Canada re PCB waste export ban

Fielding Chemical can now sue the federal government for damages, for the extra costs it incurred in disposing of PCB waste because of federal orders closing the US border to PCB exports,ย and as a result of storing the PCB waste at its facility for additional years while losing the opportunity to use the land and...

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Published on: 10 Dec 2015 By

Zofran: The Dangers of Off-Label Drug Use

The Class Actions team at Siskinds LLP recently commenced a new case against the pharmaceutical manufacturers of Zofran. The class action claim alleges that the drug manufacturers failed to warn that off-label use of Zofran is unsafe for pregnant women. Zofran is a powerful anti-nausea medication approved by Health Canada to treat nausea and vomiting...

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Published on: 12 Sep 2014 By

The Trillium Drug Program: Managing the Cost of Prescription Drugs

Serious financial issues arise out of serious injuries. Difficulties with income, money management, cost of care, and cost of medication, go hand in hand with serious injury, and an inability to work. In many instances Siskinds LLP represents individuals who have been seriously injured in an accident. They are incapacitated, and need help to access...

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Published on: 21 Jan 2016 By

Whittling Down Our Testamentary Freedom

Testamentary freedom โ€“ the principle that a person of sound mind is free to leave his or her estate to whomever they like, for whatever reason, and without explanationโ€“ is a deeply entrenched notion in Canadian common law and society.ย However, as those of us in the estates and trust field know quite well, testamentary freedom...

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Published on: 13 Apr 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario finally adopting carbon cap and trade

Today, Premier Wynne announced that Ontario is finally going ahead to implement a cap and trade system for carbon emissions, in cooperation with Quebec and perhaps California. Ontario originally promised to join Quebec, California and others in theย Western Climate Initiativeย in 2008, but has since fallen behind. Since December, the WCI has conducted two auctions of...

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Published on: 24 Oct 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

Whoโ€™s responsible for reducing local air pollution?

Air pollution is wide-spread across Ontario, coming from many sources and moving with large air masses from one region to the next. Itโ€™s resulting in health effects, including cancer and respiratory illnesses like asthma. ย  Last year, more than 5000 premature deaths were attributed to poor air quality, in Ontario alone, and there were almost...

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Published on: 26 May 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

A new light on CDM

India is giving the Clean Development Mechanism, for fighting climate change, a new twist.[vi] The CDM allows companies and individuals in the rich world to obtain carbon credits by paying for emission reductions in the Third World. One key obstacle has been the high transaction costs of getting eligible projects approved. India gives the mechanism...

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