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Published on: 17 Dec 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

A film that is worth your time

Congratulations to Canadian filmmaker, Rob Stewart, for his moving and urgent film, Revolution. Click here for the trailer. It is focused on the fast -moving threat of ocean acidification, and features spectacular underwater photography. The film came out in the spring, but I did not have a chance to see it until this weekend. Mr. Stewart...

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Published on: 22 Dec 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

SLAPP Panel recommends anti-SLAPP law

The Ministry of the Attorney General has published the report of the Anti-SLAPP Advisory Panel. The report is on the Ministry’s web site at: http://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/anti_slapp/anti_slapp_final_report_en.pdf. The panel adopted most of the Ontario Bar Association recommendations that I helped to develop and present this summer. Here are the Panel’s conclusions:

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Published on: 28 Jun 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

NTREE adds economic facts to the fire

    The federal government’s Clean Air Agenda has received another blow with the release of the Interim Report of the National Round Table on Environment and Economy. This eminent multi-stakeholder group, one member of which has just been nominated for a Nobel Prize, was asked for “advice on targets and scenarios for reducing emissions...

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Published on: 11 May 2018 By

Siskinds files proposed class action against Facebook

Note: This article was also published on AdvocateDaily.com By Rob Lamberti, AdvocateDaily.com Contributor A class-action lawsuit filed by Siskinds LLP against Facebook continues to collect plaintiffs who may have had their data scraped by Cambridge Analytica through an app on the popular social media platform, says London, Ont. privacy lawyer Peter Dillon. The lawsuit represents at least...

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Published on: 14 Apr 2016 By

Emergen-C Vitamin Drink Class Action Recent Discontinuance: click here for more info

NOTICE TO POTENTIAL MEMBERS OF THE DISCONTINUANCE OF THE CLASS ACTION CONCERNING COMMENCED AGAINST PFIZER CANADA INC. Take notice that, on March 29 2016, petitioner Stéphanie Chipeur was authorized to discontinue her Motions Seeking Authorization to Institute a Class Action, dated November 24, 2015. A copy of the judgment rendered by Justice Pierre-C. Gagnon, J.S.C.,...

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Published on: 22 Jul 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

What is "storage"?

A recent Alberta case casts some light on the meaning of waste “storage”. Custom Environmental Services (CESL) sorts and recycles contaminated material, including PCBs. PCB material is brought to the CESL, sorted, cleaned, perhaps processed and placed in containers. Once a truckload has accumulated, it is transported to a disposal site. PCB material is present...

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Published on: 18 Nov 2020 By ,

Right to access your vehicle’s telematic data?

In our previous post, we explained how the US November 3rd election resulted in developments that were overlooked. Namely, the expansion of the recreational and medicinal cannabis market. Another underreported but critical development took place in Massachusetts where Bay Staters voted en mass to require car makers to give car owners and their independent mechanics...

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