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Published on: 7 May 2009 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environmental criminals go to jail in Ontario

Ontario does send some environmental criminals to jail. Usually, they go there for breaching court orders, often to clean up contamination that they caused. A recent case is no exception. AAA Auto Parts Mechanics and Wrecking dumped 28,000 tires on a friend’s property. Despite repeated court orders to remove the tires, neither the company nor...

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Published on: 22 Dec 2021 By

So, you want to settle your family law case?

Family law disputes can be especially challenging for the couple involved. They are never easy. Often, the participants are parents who share children. Sometimes, they are shareholders who share a business. The point is that there is a lot at stake. The issues are very personal and there is an emotional layer to the family law...

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Published on: 5 Nov 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

American election will force Canada to take action on climate change

With yesterday’s election of President-Elect Obama, Canada will now be forced to get serious about climate change. Obama has pledged to Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. In order to keep selling into the American market, Canadians will have to do something similar. Obama’s plan is far more wrenching...

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Published on: 13 Nov 2020 By

What real estate professionals need to know about incorporating

On March 4, 2020, Bill 145 received royal assent and amended and replaced the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act with the Trust in Real Estate Services Act (TRESA). The most significant amendment ushered in under TRESA is that real estate professionals are now permitted to carry on their business through their own Personal Real...

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Published on: 2 Oct 2023 By

Power of attorney issues: Compensation for powers of attorney for property

If you have been named as an attorney for property1 pursuant to a continuing power of attorney for property, you may be wondering whether or not you are entitled to receive compensation for acting in this capacity and, if so, how that compensation is calculated. This is a fair question to ask. After all, acting...

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Published on: 26 Sep 2007 By

General Chemical Canada: Another Orphan Site

Contaminated sites continue to keep the courts busy. This month, the Ontario Court of Appeal allowed a secured creditor to take $3.75 million out of a bankrupt firm, despite MOE objections that the money was needed to cleanup the bankrupt’s pollution. In Harbert Distressed Investment Fund v. General Chemical Canada, GCCL was a bankrupt chemical...

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Published on: 27 Aug 2019 By

The Marine Liability Act and the “polluter pay” regime: A review of the Court’s decision in British Columbia v. The administrator of the Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund, 2019 BCCA 232

Earlier this summer, the British Columbia Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal by the Province of British Columbia concerning the Province’s liability for oil pollution under the federal Marine Liability Act, S.C. 2001, c.6. The pollution in question had emanated from a derelict vessel of which the Province had become the unwilling owner due to...

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Published on: 12 Mar 2024 By

Probate planning pitfalls: The risks that you need to consider before adding your child to the title of your home for estate planning purposes

When it comes to estate planning, people often become fixated on ensuring that their estate does not have to pay Estate Administration Tax (also known as “probate tax”1). This fixation is largely driven by the fact that if one’s estate is not subject to probate tax, there will be more money for the beneficiaries of...

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Published on: 29 Dec 2023 By

What is the date of separation?

When I first meet with new clients, they are often confused about the date of separation. Sometimes they are unsure of the specific date. Sometimes they do not know what date to provide until we discuss their situation further. Sometimes they will mistakenly believe they are not yet separated because they are still living with...

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Published on: 11 Jan 2023 By ,

How do I know if I formed a contract?

The digital age has created a variety of new issues related to contract formation… did you know that emojis can indicate an intention to enter a contract? In a case out of Israel called Dahan v Haim, a prospective tenant communicated with a landlord about renting an apartment. He expressed this through a text message...

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