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Published on: 2 Jan 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Renewable energy approval regulation amended

Ontario’s renewable energy approval regulation has been significantly amended, effective January 1, 2011. The ministry received 285 comments on the proposed amendments, and made at least 10 changes as a result. According to the ministry, the key changes that occurred due to public consultation include:

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Published on: 18 Apr 2018 By

Legal Considerations for Start-Ups

Introduction “Starting companies is a lot like launching rockets: if you’re a tenth of a degree off at launch, you may be a thousand miles off downrange” – Craig Johnson One of the most common mistakes start-ups make is not seeking legal advice when founding their company. While financial resources may be strained during the...

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Published on: 11 Sep 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Where are the public agency energy consumption baseline reports?

On January 1st, 2012 the Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plans Regulation (O.Reg. 397/11) came into effect. By now, all Ontario public agencies are required to have prepared and published a summary of their 2011 energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions: On or before July 1, 2013, every public agency shall submit to the Minister,...

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Published on: 11 Oct 2022 By

Federal Court grants injunctive relief against interfering law firm – Moushoom v Canada (Attorney General)

In August 2022, the Federal Court released its decision in Moushoom v Canada (Attorney General), 2022 FC 1212 (“Moushoom”), granting the Plaintiffs’ motion for an interlocutory order that no legal professionals other than class counsel, the Plaintiff Assembly of First Nations, or the Court-appointed administrator publish communications to class members regarding the class proceedings. Moushoom...

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Published on: 8 Jul 2014 By

When it comes to anti-wind power appeals, all turtles are not created equal

The Environmental Review Tribunal has dismissed another anti-wind power appeal, holding that evidence to substantiate claims of “serious and irreversible harm to animal life” must be site-specific, species-specific, and quantifiable. The Tribunal released its decision in Bain v. Director, Ministry of the Environment, 2014 WL 888126 on February 27, 2014, allowing the five-wind turbine Emestown...

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Published on: 31 May 2013 By

Beyond Branco: A Comparison Of Recent Decisions On Insurers’ Bad Faith And Punitive Damages

The recent decision Branco v American Home Assurance Company received a lot of attention for the high damages awarded against an insurer for acting in bad faith. Branco was just one of a series of cases dealing with bad faith damages in Canada over the last year. In this article, Siskinds looks at those cases...

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Published on: 7 Apr 2015 By

Retrial: lower fines for environmental consultant

In 2011, we wrote about the record $161,000 in fines imposed upon an environmental consultant and his company. In addition, $40,500 in fines were imposed on their clients, Mr. James Sinclair and his company Sinclair Landing, owner of a contaminated site. Following an appeal and retrial, the fines imposed on geo-environmental firm Bruce A. Brown Associates...

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