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Published on: 6 Mar 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

More on the First Environmental Penalty

By digging behind the MOE press release we have discovered: The first environmental penalty was $9,000 for suspended solids escaping in storm water to a creek, contrary to the Ontario Water Resources Act. CGC Inc. had a long -standing problem with suspended solids from its gypsum storage pile, and had promised (in 2006) to keep...

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Published on: 9 Nov 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Bruce Power Receives $100,000 Penalty for Refrigerant handling Violations

Bruce Power Limited Partnership, operator of the Bruce Nuclear Power Plant, has pleaded guilty to one count of violating the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA, 1999). It received penalties of $100,000 for failure to conduct an annual leak test of all the components of a refrigeration system, contrary to the Federal Halocarbon Regulations, 2003 and paragraph 272(1)(a) of CEPA,...

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Published on: 21 Dec 2016 By

Where Can I Bring My Family Law Application?

Before you issue an Application for relief in family law, you first need to determine the appropriate municipality in which to bring your Application. This article deals with choosing the appropriate municipality within Ontario. For a determination of whether or not Ontario should assume jurisdiction over a case (i.e. where there is a competition over jurisdiction...

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Published on: 29 May 2014 By ,

Providing Expert Opinion: be the best witness you can be

Providing expert evidence is an essential part of the legal system, Judges and Juries place significant weight on your opinion. This article outlines the legal duties of an expert and suggests some strategies for making the best presentation in court. Overview The purpose of a trial is to allow a trier of fact (judge or...

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Published on: 2 Aug 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Massachusetts expert panel on wind and health recommends comparing all energy sources

Typically, at distances larger than 400 m, sound pressure levels for modern wind turbines are less than 40 dB(A), which is below the level associated with annoyance in the epidemiological studies reviewed.... The considerations should take into account trade-offs between environmental and health impacts of different energy sources, national and state goals for energy independence, potential extent of impacts, etc.

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Published on: 18 Dec 2013 By ,

Court of Appeal confirms that civil damages for bodily harm intentionally inflicted cannot be discharged by bankruptcy.

Rasha El-Tawil and Michael Polvere argued a successful appeal before the Court of Appeal for Ontario in Dickerson v. 1610396 Ontario Inc. and Radcliffe, 2013 ONCA 653 (MacFarland, Watt and Epstein, JJ.A.), regarding the application of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act on damages suffered for personal injuries after an intentional tort. The decision of the...

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Published on: 23 May 2014 By

Seek Legal Advice Immediately Upon Receipt of a Request from the MOE

Landowners will often comply voluntarily with requests from the Ministry of the Environment (“MOE”), but cooperating may not always be in their best interest. Seeking early legal advice is important to determine what course of action, upon receiving notification, correspondence or an administrative Order from the MOE, is in fact in one’s best interest. The...

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