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Published on: 9 Jul 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

No Ostrander wind farm because access road bad for turtles

Bravo to the Environmental Review Tribunal for standing up for endangered species.ย  On July 3, after a 40-day hearing, the ERT revoked Gilead Powerโ€™s renewable energy approval (REA) to develop a wind farm on 324 hectares of Crown land in Prince Edward Countyโ€™s Ostrander Point. But not because there was anything harmful about the turbines....

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Published on: 5 Jun 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Helping out in the Gambia

Our associate, Meredith James, recently returned from some pro bono guest lectures at theย University of the Gambiaโ€™s Faculty of Law. Sheย spoke to the first year torts class about environmental torts and how they might be used in local scenarios. For example, open burning of waste is a common site both in residential areas and in...

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Published on: 19 Aug 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Air CAMM to improve?

The Ministry of the Environment is working hard to improve the newish air pollution regulation O.Reg. 419/05. The original concept, that a five-year phase in period would result in businesses inventing pollution control technology, usually has not worked. As major businesses get close to the February 1, 2013 deadline, they are digging in their heels....

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Published on: 26 Oct 2015 By

Dust in the wind: big fine for blowing tailings dust

Theย ย recent conviction of Unimin Canada Ltd (R v Unimin Canada Ltd, 2015 CarswellOnt 11640) underscores again the potential regulatory costsย of failing to take appropriate ย preventativeย measures to ensure compliance with the Environmental Protection Act, RSO 1990, c E.19 (“EPA”)–even during unusual weather. ย Unimin operates an open-pit Nepheline Syenite mine and related processing facilities near Kasshabog Lake...

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Published on: 7 Dec 2010 By (She/Her) ,

The Rise And Fall Of Chadha v Bayer

Introduction Although numerous price-fixing conspiracy class actions have been commenced in Canada, only a relatively small number have proceeded to a contested certification motion.ย  For those that have proceeded to a contested certification, one of the main challenges for plaintiffs has been overcoming the high evidentiary threshold established primarily by the Ontario Court of Appeal...

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Published on: 14 Mar 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environment Minister Bradley: what he’s done and doing on waste

Last week, Ontario Minister of the Environment, Jim Bradley, spoke to the Ontario Waste Management Association. He summarizes his Ministry’s considerable achievements of the last year on the waste file, and promises a new program for end of life vehicles, plus new framework legislation on waste. Here are his remarks (headings added): Ontario Waste Management...

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Published on: 8 Aug 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

City of Toronto announces Morton Shulman Avenue

Today,ย the Cityย of Toronto will unveil a very short new street. Morton Shulman Avenue leads south from Wilson to the exciting new Forensic Sciences Centre andย Coroner’s Complex that will open this fall. This LEED Silver buildingย will bring together the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, the Office of the Chief Coroner, and the Centre of Forensic Sciences, with...

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