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Published on: 25 Jan 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario Moving Towards Ban on Cosmetic Use of Pesticides

Following the lead blazed by the City of Toronto and other municipalities, the Ontario government has promised to adopt “New legislation [to] ban the cosmetic use of pesticides in cities and towns.โ€ Now, until February 17, 2008, it is seeking public comments on how the ban should work. Despite its promises that agriculture, forests, golf...

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Published on: 18 Sep 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

The Honey Wagon Blues

Several years ago, the Ministry of the Environment announced, with great fanfare, that it was banning the spreading of untreated septage (human waste from septic tanks, holding tanks and portable toilets). Unfortunately, it proved easier to announce the ban than to find disposal sites for all of Ontario’s septage. Many municipal sewage treatment plants are...

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Published on: 25 Jun 2018 By

Schoolโ€™s out: Play it safe in summer

The solstice was last week, summer is here!!! That also means that School ends, and Summer Activities begin. Now, our pools, parks, patios and more are open and ready for enjoyment and gatherings. The increase of outdoor activities means more fun to be had, but also should mean a heightened awareness of best safety practices...

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Published on: 16 Dec 2015 By

Removing a Court-Appointed Guardian in Ontario

Previous articles have discussed powers of attorney and guardianships and the duties and obligations of attorneys and guardians. But what can be done when a family member of the incapable person feels that the guardian or attorney is not acting appropriately? Occasionally, supportive friends or family members may have concerns about the actions taken by...

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Published on: 14 Sep 2018 By

Recent Developments in Securities Class Actions: Pre-Certification Jurisdictional Challenges

Today, capital markets are essentially borderless. Stock exchanges with physical trading floors have become an anachronism. Electronic transactions are the norm. With the click of a button, Canadian investors can buy and sell securities of foreign companies on foreign stock exchanges. But what happens when a Canadian investor loses money on their investment because the...

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Published on: 2 Jun 2021 By

Securities regulators target Poloniex, an unregistered cryptocurrency exchange

Canadian regulators have escalated their confrontation with unregistered Crypto-Platforms.1ย On May 25, 2021, the OSC issued a Notice of Hearing and Statement of Allegations2 accusing Polo Digital Assets, Ltd., a Crypto-Platform operating under the name Poloniex, of registration and disclosure violations. The confrontation is unsurprising to those reading the regulatory tea leaves. In a press release...

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Published on: 24 Jan 2023 By

Is it even a pilot project 24 years later?: The case for mandatory mediation across Ontario

Lawyers practicing any form of litigation know that mediation can be a clientโ€™s best friend. Itโ€™s an efficient, effective, and fair mechanism to resolve clientsโ€™ differences in a timely way. In 1999, the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program established a pilot project to test the advantages of mediation by making it mandatory for most civil litigation...

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Published on: 7 Apr 2015 By

Retrial: lower fines for environmental consultant

In 2011, we wrote about the record $161,000 in fines imposed upon an environmental consultant and his company. In addition, $40,500 in fines were imposed on their clients, Mr. James Sinclair and his company Sinclair Landing, owner of a contaminated site. Following an appeal andย retrial, the fines imposed on geo-environmental firm Bruce A. Brown Associates...

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Published on: 9 Mar 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environmental Tribunal rejects two more anti-wind appeals

The Ontarioย Environmental Review Tribunal has rejected two moreย anti-wind appeals, Cham Shan Temple v. Director, Ministry of the Environmentย (13-140) andย County of Lambtonย v. Director, Ministry of the Environment (14-065).ย Citing the Divisional Court decisions in Dixon v Director, the Tribunal upheld the renewable energy approvals granted by the Ministry of the Environment to the 10 MWย wpd Sumac Ridge...

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