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Published on: 11 Jun 2021 By

The future of remote work: Important employer considerations

For many employers, the last 15 months has been a forced experiment on whether large segments of their workforce are able to effectively and efficiently work from home. Some employers have been surprised by how smoothly operations can run with employees working remotely. Other employers have learned that work-from-home arrangements – especially combined with childcare...

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Published on: 16 Jul 2021 By

Horseplay pain for both employer and employee: Eynon v. Simplicity Air

Employees often defend horseplay as an effective way to make work more fun. But when horseplay turns dangerous, liability accrues to everyone. The story of Daniel Eynon and Simplicity Air is a cautionary tale. Mr. Eynon foolishly took up a challenge from a coworker to climb a 14-foot-high chain hoist. His trip up the hoist seems to...

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Published on: 10 Feb 2022 By

What is on-premises software and how is it different from cloud computing?

If you’re starting a software company, you’re probably wondering whether you should (a) distribute the software to your end-user; or (b) run the software from the cloud while providing the end user log-in credentials to remotely access the software. This is one of the existential questions plaguing software developers. Through this blog, I’ll first describe...

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Published on: 9 Dec 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Water rebates — a new twist on enforcement

Violations of a municipal sewer by-law are normally punished by prosecution. This requires a municipality to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a violation has occurred. In addition, the defendant has an opportunity to escape punishment by proving that it used due diligence. The maximum fines are set by by-law, and are often relatively modest;...

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Published on: 11 Apr 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

So you want to be an environmental lawyer…

At least once a month, a lawyer or law student asks us for help getting into environmental law. Our reaction is bittersweet. On one hand, it is exciting and reassuring that so many talented young people want to devote their professional lives to environmental protection. On the other hand, there are far fewer jobs in...

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Published on: 14 Nov 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Toronto's war on waste, chapter 37

In another chapter of the long war over who pays for waste, Toronto is tired of spending so much on single use packaging. Packaging costs the city huge sums for collection, sorting and recycling, and eats up vast amounts of precious landfill space.  To the outrage of some manufacturers and retailers, Toronto is now asking:...

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Published on: 18 Dec 2015 By


With the proliferation of Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, GoFundMe and others, many small businesses are beginning to view crowdfunding as a viable revenue source. Globally, crowdfunding accounted for $5.1 billion in revenue. There are currently over 112 active crowdfunding platforms located in Canada. As more and more businesses launch crowdfunding initiatives, it is important that they understand the risks...

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Published on: 24 Apr 2019 By

$50,000 WAPRIITA Fine

On March 4, 2019, Topwin Trading Co. Ltd. (“Topwin”) pled guilty to violating the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (WAPRIITA) and fined $50,000 in penalties. The Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) notified the enforcement branch of Environment and Climate Change Canada (“ECCC”) upon becoming aware of a...

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