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Published on: 23 Jul 2009 By (Dianne Saxe)

Who makes environmental policy?

The Ivey Foundation’s five-year review of its program to conserve Canada’s forests is an excellent example of how foundations and nongovernmental organizations can successfully influence government environmental policy. It’s well written and a fascinating look at the forces at play behind the scenes. More charities should send out this type of report. Note: July 2013....

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Published on: 16 Jan 2015 By

ON Gov Retirees Health Benefits

ON Gov Retirees Health Benefits A class action was commenced against the Provincial Government (Defendant) on behalf of all retired former employees of the Ontario Government who were receiving health benefits coverage as of June 1, 2002. The Statement of Claim alleges that the Defendant reduced a number of benefits to the retirees, including dental...

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Published on: 16 Jan 2015 By

Vitamines en vrac

Bulk Vitamins Conspiracy to fix the prices of Bulk Vitamins Settlement Notice: Settlements have been reached with some of the defendants in some of the Vitamins class actions across Canada. For more specific information on the settlements please visit our website at www.vitaminsclassaction.com. A class action was commenced in which it was alleged that certain...

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Published on: 16 Jan 2015 By

Chlorure de choline

Choline Chloride Conspiracy to fix the prices of Choline Chloride Settlement Notice: Settlements have been reached with some of the defendants in some of the Vitamins class actions across Canada. For more specific information on the settlements please visit our website at www.vitaminsclassaction.com. Choline chloride is a member of the B-complex group of water-soluble vitamins...

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Published on: 23 Oct 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Good news: updated Ontario noise guideline

After three years of consideration, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment has adopted a more up-to-date guideline for assessing noise impacts.   “Environmental Noise Guideline Stationary and Transportation Sources – Approval and Planning, Publication NPC-300” is now in force. See NPC 300 or go to the Environmental Registry website at www.ebr.gov.on.ca and enter Registry Number 011-0597

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Published on: 9 Jul 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Contaminated sites: which cleanup standards?

More stringent cleanup standards for contaminated sites will come into effect July 1, 2011, under 2009 amendments to Regulation 153/04.  Some property owners with ongoing cleanups may prefer to use the old numbers, i.e. the “March 9, 2004 Soil, Ground Water and Sediment Standards” (“2004 standards”) to obtain a record of site condition after July...

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Published on: 29 Aug 2022 By

When should I hire a third-party investigator?

You’ve received a harassment complaint by one of your employees and you think, who is going to investigate this? You might feel ill-equipped to deal with the process, perhaps you indirectly report to the respondent, you may have a desk full of urgent work and you cannot clear your schedule to complete the investigation or...

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