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Published on: 2 Feb 2018 By

A ‘dose of pragmatism’ from Court of Appeal

By Peter Dillon for AdvocateDaily.com Ontario’s Court of Appeal released its much-anticipated decision in this case on Jan. 25, 2018. I say much-anticipated because the summary judgement decision of Justice Wendy M. Matheson of the Superior Court of Justice had thrown the proverbial wrench into the works of most franchisors. Distilled version of the facts The franchise...

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Published on: 21 Feb 2023 By

Johnson & Johnson’s bankruptcy strategy for talcum powder cancer lawsuits rejected by US Court

A US Court of Appeals has rejected a controversial strategy by Johnson & Johnson to use a bankruptcy as a way to deal with billions of dollars worth of claims filed against the company by cancer victims, who allege that J&J’s talcum powder products (e.g., baby powder) cause cancer. As a result of the decision,...

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Published on: 27 May 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

First affidavits, Blue Box funding arbitration

For those interested in the Blue Box funding arbitration, which will decide how much stewards (brand owners) must pay of the annual net $228 million cost under the Waste Diversion Act, here are the affidavits of the witnesses who have already completed their testimony on behalf of the municipalities of Ontario and their Blue Box programs:...

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Published on: 12 Jul 2023 By

Canopy Growth Corporation’s alleged misrepresentation of BioSteel’s revenue (TSX: WEED; NASDAQ: CGC)

On July 6, 2023, Siskinds LLP filed a proposed securities misrepresentation class action in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice against Canopy Growth Corporation, its directors and senior officers, Canopy’s auditor KPMG LLP and two of BioSteel Sports Nutrition Inc.’s (“BioSteel”) senior officers and directors on behalf of investors who acquired Canopy’s shares from May...

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Published on: 5 Feb 2018 By

Sun-Brite Fined $230,000

A canning foods company located in Kingsville was fined $230,000 plus the 25% victim fine surcharge for two offences under the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA) and one offence under the Environmental Protection Act (EPA). On January 17, 2018 Sun-Brite Foods Inc. (“Sun-Brite”) pled guilty to discharging processed water into the Melville Bruner Drain extension...

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Published on: 23 Apr 2018 By

People, Planet, Profit: Corporate Social Responsibility in an Environmentally Conscious Marketplace

While not a new concept, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a driving force in today’s marketplace, influencing the way business is conducted in virtually every industry. Modern businesses are encouraged, by both laws and industry, to engage in practices that extend beyond the bottom line and promote social and environmental benefits. Today’s consumers demand...

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Published on: 18 Jun 2009 By

Siskinds is thrilled to be sponsoring the rebuild of Piccadilly Park following a fire which destroyed the existing playground structure last summer.

On June 18th, Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco-Best will officially cut the ribbon on the brand new playground structure and climber declared Siskinds The Law Firm Playground. Siskinds has invited clients and members of the community to join them in celebrating our community and our children.

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