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Published on: 13 May 2020 By

Data breach – Frequently asked questions

Cybersecurity incidents are serious events that need to be addressed immediately. Our experience has shown us that dealing with issues such as consumer and regulator notifications, fines, and insurance need to be tackled as soon as possible. Below are general answers to frequently asked questions when a business has experienced a data breach. 1. Why...

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Published on: 25 Mar 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Blue Box funding arbitration pleadings

As promised yesterday, here are the  Ontario Blue Box funding arbitration pleadings, that is, the position and opening explanation of each side. The arbitration will decide how much stewards (brand owners) must pay to municipalities for the cost of running Blue Box programs in 2014, under the Waste Diversion Act 2002. The parties are about $19 to...

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Published on: 31 Jul 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

Regulatory Blitz

The McGuinty government has adopted a blizzard of new and amended regulations this year. Since January, there have been 32 regulatory amendments or new regulations under the Environmental Protection Act; 2 under the Environmental Bill of Rights; 5 under the Environmental Assessment Act; 6 under the brand new Clean Water Act; 3 under the Ontario...

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Published on: 8 Jun 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

PCB in my fish oil?

Are fish oil supplements safe?  The Mateel Environmental Justice Foundation doesn’t think we know enough to tell.  In March, the Foundation filed a lawsuit against fish oil supplement manufacturers, distributors and retailers, claiming that they fail to give clear warnings, required by California law, that some of these products expose consumers to high levels of...

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Published on: 19 Dec 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Blue box funding dispute goes to arbitration

Ontario’s municipalities and brand owners are taking their dispute over Blue Box funding to arbitration. Under the Waste Diversion Act, 2002, s. 25(5) stewards are supposed to pay 50% of the net costs incurred by municipalities. In previous years, the parties have negotiated the amount to be paid. This year, as costs continue to rise, the...

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Published on: 6 Aug 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Skytruth: a great site

Skytruth.org is a great site for seeing what is really happening in big environmental problems, like the BP oil spill, and fast-growing oil and gas production fields. They collect and publish up to date aerial photos. That’s another good thing about Google, the web and social media: it’s getting harder and harder to hide things...

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Published on: 8 Oct 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

Bike Lanes and the DCA

Why don’t our municipalities have better environmental infrastructure? One answer is: the Development Charges Act (DCA)! While cycling recently with one Ontario mayor, I asked why his fast-growing municipality did so little to encourage bicycle commuting. He knows that cycling is a great way to reduce emissions and gridlock while improving human and environmental health....

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Published on: 3 Feb 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Misinformation fouls the wind debate

There are many heartfelt disputes about wind, and some legitimate issues on which reasonable people may differ. However, it is also true that a great deal of misinformation is being peddled.  Mike Brigham, chair of the Toronto Renewable Energy Cooperative, wrote a letter to the Editor responding to some of the claims that were made...

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