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Published on: 9 Oct 2015 By

Time Off to Vote for Federal Election – October 19, 2015

The Federal election is fast approaching. There are a number of ways for employees to vote, including: In person on Election Day – October 19, 2015 from 9:30 am to 9:30 pm in Ontario. In person on the advance voting days – October 9, 10, 11 and 12, 2015 from noon to 8 pm. In person...

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Published on: 15 Dec 2022 By

How does a second family impact child support?

After a separation, it is not uncommon for one or both spouses to move on to a new romantic relationship, have new biological children or take on the role of a step-parent. This is sometimes referred to as a “second family”. Having a second family can create new financial obligations, and those obligations can sometimes...

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Published on: 18 May 2016 By

Injured While Driving for Work? Common Questions about WSIB

Introduction Many of us have heard of worker’s compensation or the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (“WSIB”). You may have heard that it pays money to people who get injured at work. But not many people know the details. It is important to understand how the system works, whether you are covered or not, and what...

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Published on: 31 Jul 2017 By

Frustration of Employment Contract: What to Consider Before Throwing in the Towel

Like any contract, an employment contract can be “frustrated” when continued performance of the contract becomes impossible or would be radically different because of a dramatic change in circumstances. Employers typically raise frustration of contract to formally end the employment relationship with employees who have been away from work for a long time and are...

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Published on: 7 Sep 2022 By

Food, drug, and natural product claims

Businesses that advertise food products are subject to myriad regulations with respect to the claims they can make about their products. The law Generally speaking, Food and Drugs Act, Competition Act, and Safe Food for Canadians Act govern advertising concerning food, drugs and natural health products. There are a few key rules of thumb sellers...

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Published on: 25 Jun 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

Making money from climate change

One of the fascinating things about last week’s EECO conference was that no one was there to debate the terrifying science of climate change. Everyone at the leading edge has moved on to economics: who will make money from climate change, and how? Public and institutional interest in the issue is reflected in the growing...

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Published on: 3 Sep 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

MicroFIT flip flops

The Ontario Power Authority keeps looking for ways to reduce the popularity, and therefore the cost, of its high-priced MicroFIT solar electricity program. The program was designed to guarantee renewable energy producers a profit. Since small scale solar PV is the most expensive electricity to produce, generators were guaranteed the highest price, 80.2 cents/ kilowatt hour....

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Published on: 28 Jan 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

10 Things You Need to Know About Contaminated Sites

A frightening amount of money is spent every year in litigation and other anguish over contaminated sites. In terms of harm to human health and the environment, contaminated sites are far less important than clean air, clean water, climate change and urban sprawl. But because of the regulatory structure, contaminated sites pack a huge financial...

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