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Published on: 26 Apr 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Smith v. Inco: leave to appeal refused

The Supreme Court of Canada has refused Ellen Smith leave to appeal from the crushing dismissal of her class action against Inco. No reasons were given. Her lawyers now face a difficult hearing to determine how large a cheque they will have to write to Inco to pay for its legal costs, at trial and...

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Published on: 28 Aug 2017 By

Municipal Car Reduction Strategies

Municipalities are starting to focus on finding ways to reduce the pollution, traffic congestion, and other urban issues caused by an overabundance of cars on municipal streets. There are many strategies available to municipalities looking to reduce the volume of cars using their infrastructure. Often, municipalities implement programs to make it more expensive for cars...

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Published on: 30 Aug 2019 By

What can you ask for in a medical certificate?

Many employers have often had the experience of receiving a vague doctorโ€™s note from an employee that reads something along the lines of, โ€œthis individual is unable to work for X weeksโ€. Employers are left wondering: Why? Can I be sure this is legitimate? Is the employee likely to return after X weeks? Will the...

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Published on: 28 Sep 2018 By

Cities could add another layer to data protection

Protecting citizens’ private online information is so important that municipalities are even stepping up to provide another layer of protection to consumers, On Nov. 6, voters in San Francisco will decide whether to enact a municipal โ€œPrivacy First Policy.โ€ If passed, businesses in the city would be required to disclose their data collection policies and...

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Published on: 4 Sep 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario environmental permit by rule approvals (EASR) expanding slowly

The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has proposed some modest expansions of its permit-by-rule approval program for low impact activities similar to those already covered by the EASR system. The proposal,ย Regulatory Amendments to Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) Regulations to implement a Standard Systems and Equipment EASR, proposes to: 1. Expand the types of...

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Published on: 12 Jul 2017 By

Quรฉbec – New Code of Civil Procedure – Experts

On January 1, 2016, a New Code of Civil Procedure (NCCP) came into effect in Quebec. The spirit of the NCCP is to encourage lawyers to adopt the philosophy of Dispute Prevention and Resolution instead of litigation. The entire Code has been revamped and we anticipate a learning curve for lawyers and judges. In order...

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Published on: 24 Apr 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environment Ministry to loosen law for waste-based alternative fuels that displace coal

Kudos to the Ontarioย Ministry of the Environment for finally coming to grips, at least a little, with the adverse environmental and environmental effects of labeling too many productive activities as “waste disposal”.ย The ministry’s proposed regulatory changes will remove the “waste disposal” label from energy-intensive and trade-exposed heavy industryย (such as the cement, lime, iron and steel...

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Published on: 17 Aug 2021 By

Sponsorship applications: Parents and Grandparents Program 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has been especially challenging for those Canadians whose parents and grandparents are foreign nationals living outside Canada. Many Canadian citizens and permanent residents attempted to apply to sponsor their loved ones in 2020 but were unsuccessful in obtaining invitations to apply for sponsorship. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) sponsor selection process...

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Published on: 9 May 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

BlackoutSpeakout: It worked for Wikipedia

BlackoutSpeakout:ย Canadian environmental organizations are using Wikipedia’s protest tactic of darkening their websites on June 4 to protest federal government 2012 Budget plans to slash environmental protection and environmental protest, anything that stands in the way of the oil sands and their pipelines.

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