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Published on: 25 Apr 2014 By

To go or not to go? Left turn obligations

We have all been on one side of this dilemma or the other. You are the first car at a traffic light, patiently waiting to turn left with a sea of opposing traffic approaching. The light turns green. Do you move into the intersection or not? Common practice falls into one of two scenarios: Scenario...

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Published on: 30 Jan 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Should roadbed slag count as battery recycling?

Waste Diversion Ontario is considering a proposal by Call2Recycle Canada to take over battery recycling from Ontario’s existing Consolidated Municipal Hazardous Solid Waste (CMHSW) diversion program under the Waste Diversion Act, 2002. Ontario’s battery recyclers (including our client) have many good reasons to be strongly opposed. Among other things, the proposal would allow Call2Recycle to undercut...

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Published on: 1 Dec 2014 By

B.C. Court: No Abuse of Water Approvals for Fracking

Because fracking consumes a huge amount of water, Western Canada Wilderness Committee (WCWC) and the Sierra Club of B.C. recently challenged how the B.C. government grants water use approvals to oil and gas companies. The government gives a series of short term approvals for fracking, frequently renewed, without regulating the cumulative water taking of an entire project. Does this violate...

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Published on: 22 Sep 2016 By

Will 3D printers save rhinos from extinction?

The international trade in endangered species is a lucrative business, with some recent estimates putting its worth at up to $20 billion annually, making it one of the most profitable international crimes, behind the illegal drug trade, the illicit arms trade, and human trafficking. The impacts of the illicit trade in wildlife are truly dire....

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Published on: 24 Oct 2016 By

$65,000 in Fines for Importing Prohibited Small Engines

On September 14, 2016, a gas-powered equipment merchant was ordered to pay fines totalling more than $65,000 for violating the Off-Road Small Spark-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (“CEPA”). The company owner plead guilty to four counts of importing non-compliant equipment and engines, following an investigation in 2011 and 2012 finding...

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Published on: 22 May 2018 By

Neonicotinoids Case Proceeds

In July 2016 The David Suzuki Foundation, Ecojustice, Friends of the Earth, and the Ontario Nature and Wilderness Committee collectively filed an application requesting that the Federal Court declare that Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s (“PMRA”) practice of registering neonicotinoid pesticides for use in Canada without being provided the supporting scientific information is unlawful. The...

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Published on: 4 Sep 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Managing fill: when is surplus soil “waste”, and where can it go?

Soil movement is big business in Ontario, involving perhaps 170 million tonnes/ year, and adding about 15% to infrastructure costs. Last year’s changes to the contaminated sites regulation Reg. 153/04 have made soil movement more difficult and expensive than ever, and further cost increases are expected. For the Eglinton LRT alone, the extra costs could...

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Published on: 14 Jul 2022 By

Updates to the Certificate of Authorization renewal process for Dentistry Professional Corporations

The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO) has made a recent change to the annual renewal process for Certificates of Authorization for a dentistry professional corporation. For all dentists who practice through a dentistry professional corporation, this change is important as it may result in increased fees for dentists who are not aware...

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