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Published on: 22 Apr 2024 By
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Opioid treatment drug Suboxone linked to tooth decay

Suboxone, a drug used for opioid dependence, has been reported to cause severe dental issues. Studies have shown a link between buprenorphine – an active ingredient in Suboxone – and an increased risk of severe dental harms. These issues include cavities, tooth decay, dental abscesses/infection, tooth erosion, fillings falling out, and total tooth loss, including...

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Published on: 7 May 2024 By

Consumer class actions and products to watch for

Class actions can be a way to hold large companies to account when their products fall short of quality standards or pose risks to consumers. Class actions can also be a route to recovery if a manufacturer fails to exercise due diligence in designing or producing their products, makes false claims about their products, or...

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Published on: 12 Sep 2023 By

What qualifies as an “accident” under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule?

Statutory Accident Benefits (SABS) provides financial support to individuals involved in accidents that are covered under a car insurance policy. It is essential to have a clear understanding of what constitutes an accident in order to determine one’s eligibility for these benefits. What exactly counts as an accident? If someone has hot coffee spilled on...

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Published on: 19 Aug 2019 By ,

Ontario government moving towards further auto insurance reforms

On April 11, 2019, the Ontario Provincial Government released the “Putting Drivers First” blueprint, which proposes a series of reforms to the auto insurance system in Ontario. While many details of the plan have yet to be released by the Government, some of the proposed changes include: Allowing insurance companies more flexibility to offer drivers...

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Published on: 14 Sep 2020 By ,

Support for Businesses during COVID-19: CEBA application deadline extended

Despite being able to resume operations following the lifting of certain governmental restrictions related to COVID-19, many business owners continue to experience unprecedented financial challenges. After months of decreased revenue – or possibly even periods without any revenue – business owners may be struggling to cover their operating costs from month to month. In many...

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Published on: 26 Feb 2021 By

Product recalls: Determining if you’re affected and if you have a legal claim

Health Canada expands growing list of hand sanitizer recalls… What to know about Canada’s onion recall… Fresh imported peaches recalled due to salmonella If you search the term “recall” on a Canadian news website, chances are you will find a lengthy list of headlines like these. But despite how often product recalls occur, it’s not...

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Published on: 19 Jul 2021 By

Changes on horizon for Canada’s privacy laws thanks to Bill C-11

Bill C-11 marks the first update to Canadian privacy law since the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) came into effect in 2000. If passed, the Bill would enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) and bring about significant changes to private-sector privacy law. Of particular interest is a provision that would require...

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Published on: 2 Sep 2016 By

Is there a “right to light?”

In urban environments, land and resources are finite and are, as a result, often faced with conflicts over the appropriate development and use of land. Such conflicts are particularly bitter when they concern proposed condominium development and “big box” store developments in the downtown core. Communities are often resistant to new condos developments, which can contribute...

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Published on: 18 Jul 2023 By
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Understanding data protection agreements: Key concepts and benefits

Data protection agreements – specifically, what are they, and as a business, should I have them? Three types of data Generally, your business signs data protection agreements with third-parties when you are providing important data to them. Here, data is referred to as one of three types: Data protection agreement: Protection, privacy and security Data...

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Published on: 7 Dec 2022 By

Privacy and the use of electronic medical and dental records

Physicians, dentists and other health practitioners have professional, legal and ethical responsibilities to keep the personal health information of their patients confidential and private. These obligations are governed and imposed by the regulatory body of each profession as well as various legislation including the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). PHIPA imposes obligations on Health...

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