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Published on: 5 Jan 2018 By

Donโ€™t just throw old electronics in the trash

Simply throwing old electronics in the trash can be dangerous to your own personal safety, says Peter Dillon in a recent article by AdvocateDaily. Read the full article below. Donโ€™t just throw old electronics in the trash: Dillon By Mia Clarke, Associate Editor If Santa left some of the latest electronic gadgets under your tree,...

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Published on: 12 Mar 2024 By

Probate planning pitfalls: The risks that you need to consider before adding your child to the title of your home for estate planning purposes

When it comes to estate planning, people often become fixated on ensuring that their estate does not have to pay Estate Administration Tax (also known as โ€œprobate taxโ€1). This fixation is largely driven by the fact that if oneโ€™s estate is not subject to probate tax, there will be more money for the beneficiaries of...

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Published on: 22 Nov 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

Final Report: IPCC 4

The Science Now that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has formally released its Fourth Assessment Report, the pressure is on governments everywhere to actually do something. This report synthesizes the three component reports released earlier in the year, in which world governments reluctantly acknowledged that the science is now clear: Climate warming is unequivocal;...

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Published on: 14 Jul 2016 By

The Virtual Office: Working From Home Considerations

With the advancement of technology, employers looking to cut overhead costs, and family and lifestyle accommodations growing, working from home is becoming more and more common. However, there are some considerations that must be explored before such practices are approved. Policies If employers are considering engaging in a telecommuting arrangement, a clear policy should set...

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Published on: 29 Sep 2016 By

Limits to the intervention capability of the Quebec Class Action Fund

On September 7, 2016, the Superior Court of Quebec rendered an interesting judgment that clarified the limits of the power of intervention of the Fonds dโ€™aide aux actions collectives (hereinafter referred to as the “Fonds”). The Fondsโ€™s mission is to provide financial support to people who wish to bring a class action and to disseminate...

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Published on: 10 Dec 2018 By

Mortgagee Remedies in Ontario

When a mortgagor (borrower) defaults on mortgage payments, the mortgagee (lender) has several remedies at its disposal. The most frequently used remedies are a power of sale, an action for judicial sale, and an action for foreclosure. The following is a comparison of the three remedies, highlighting the benefits and disadvantages of each. Following a...

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Published on: 18 Dec 2018 By

Ontario Court of Appeal Holds that Deterrence Justifies Minimum Fine in Environmental Prosecution

The Environmental Protection Act and the Ontario Water Resource Act are unique among Ontarioโ€™s environmental legislation for containing mandatory minimum fines.[1] A new decision from the Ontario Court of Appeal makes it clear that where minimum fines exist, a trial justice has very narrow discretion to impose a lesser fine. A defendant needs to consider...

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