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Published on: 22 Jan 2024 By

Canadian private equity funds face hidden risks when taking on non-resident investors

Private equity funds and limited partnerships Private equity funds almost always operate as limited partnerships (LPs). The LP structure is simple but effective: The fund manager, usually a corporation, manages the business as the general partner and assumes unlimited liability. The investors in the fund take on a passive role as limited partners and enjoy...

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Published on: 12 Dec 2023 By

Beware of what you post: Navigating social media disclosure in personal injury cases

In Ontario, the law recognizes the relevance of social media content in personal injury cases. This means a plaintiff may be required to provide to the defendant any posts, photos, or other information on their social media accounts that may be relevant to the case, such as details about their physical or mental condition, activities,...

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Published on: 8 Feb 2019 By

Coffee giant, franchisee group close to settling two class action lawsuits

Franchise lawyer Peter Dillon recently spoke with Advocate Daily about a Canadian coffee giant and frustrated franchisees that appear to be close to reaching a settlement in two class action lawsuits. See the full article below. Coffee giant, franchisee group close to settling two class action lawsuits A Canadian coffee giant and an association representing...

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Published on: 25 Jul 2023 By

Going to court in Ontario: Commencing a legal application in a commercial litigation dispute

What is a Legal Application? A legal application refers to the form of the court procedure used to resolve a legal dispute. An application differs from a legal action. An action is the standard legal process that most people are familiar with. While an action concludes with a trial before a judge with live witnesses,...

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Published on: 26 Jul 2023 By

Emojis can now amount to a contractual agreement

Back in January 2023 in our blog post, “How do I know if I have formed a contract?”, we discussed how emojis can indicate an intention to enter into a contract. Briefly, we discussed the case in Israel called Dahan v Haim, where a judge ruled that a prospective tenant sending text messages containing several...

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Published on: 3 Aug 2023 By

Going to court in Ontario: Overview of a motion in a commercial litigation dispute

What is a motion? A motion is a court procedure used to resolve an interim dispute within your legal case. A motion can be brought within a legal action or a legal application. It is used to resolve procedural or substantive issues. Motions can be small and simple or large and complex. For example, a...

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Published on: 16 Jan 2015 By

Sonde Resources Corp. (auparavant Canadian Superior Energy Inc.)

Sonde Resources Corp. (auparavant Canadian Superior Energy Inc.) En mai 2010, Siskinds LLP et Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP ont intenté un recours collectif proposé contre Sonde Resources Corp., auparavant Canadian Superior Energy Inc. (« Sonde Resources »). Le recours nomme également comme intimés Challenger Energy Corp. (« Challenger ») et certains dirigeants de...

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Published on: 28 Sep 2023 By

Notice periods for personal injury claims in Ontario

When you are injured, your immediate focus should be on your health and recovery. However, when you have sustained an injury due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing in Ontario, there is often a requirement to provide notice of your injury to the negligent party within a certain period of time. How much time you...

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Published on: 3 Aug 2023 By

Legal costs in Ontario: How they’re awarded and what it means for litigants

When our clients become involved in litigation, one of the first questions they often ask us is, “Can I claim my legal expenses?” While every claim is different, typically costs follow the event in Ontario. This means that, at the conclusion of trial, the successful party can expect the judge to order the unsuccessful party...

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Published on: 27 Dec 2023 By

Do I need a cohabitation agreement?

Cohabitation agreements have become an essential tool for couples embarking on the journey of shared living. What is a cohabitation agreement? A cohabitation agreement is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of couples who choose to live together without getting married. While it may not be the most romantic topic, having such...

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