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Published on: 24 Sep 2013 By

Ontario Power Generation Intends to Double Size of Radioactive Waste Burial on Lake Huron.

The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) and a consortium of environmental groups has requested that the Federal Joint Review Panel suspend hearings assessing the Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) radioactive waste dump proposal until the company clarifies its stance on the status of radioactive waste. The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) and a consortium of environmental...

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Published on: 2 Mar 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Dumping construction waste: $150,000 fine

Willy’s Roll-Off Ltd., 1092066 Ontario Inc., Willis and Susan McKeown and Percy Pyper Ltd. pled guilty in February to impairing water quality, establishing a waste disposal site without approval, and failing to transport waste only to an approved site. They were fined a total of $150,000 plus the 25% victim fine surcharges.

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Published on: 1 Oct 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environment Minister Murray's mandate letter

Every Cabinet minister gets his or her marching orders from the Premier or Prime Minister. These “mandates” used to be top secret, but Ontario now makes them public. Here is the mandate letter for the new Minister of Environment and Climate Change, with our emphasis added. On environmental legislation, note the commitment to reintroducing the...

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Published on: 26 Mar 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Home Depot: Excessive enforcement causing recycling set back?

Home Depot’s decision to stop accepting waste paint and compact fluorescent bulbs for recycling is a sad setback, and another sign of trouble in Ontario’s waste reduction and diversion strategy. It is important to collect every possible used fluorescent bulb (and not throw them into landfills) because of the mercury they can contain. Few enough...

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Published on: 13 Nov 2012 By

Silence Is Golden: What happens when confidentiality provisions are breached?

Settlements with employees often include confidentiality provisions. What happens when those confidentiality provisions are breached? A recent decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario inTremblay v. 1168531 Ontario Inc. provides some useful guidance. The employer operated a Subway store in Cornwall, Ontario and Trish-Ann Tremblay was one of its employees. Following her termination by...

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Published on: 27 Jun 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Syncrude found guilty in ducks case

Syncrude has been found guilty of two offences relating to the large duck kill of 2008. That April, 1606 migrating ducks died after landing on the toxic tailings pond of the huge Aurora tar sands mine. A member of the Sierra Club laid the original charges, another vindication for private prosecution. Syncrude was charged with:

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Published on: 19 Dec 2023 By

Navigating self-representation at court: Understanding legal costs and awards

Starting a lawsuit can be unpleasant, costly, and time-consuming. The legal system is not intended for self-represented parties, but sometimes people have no choice but to represent themselves. Sometimes, self-represented parties lose their case. Sometimes, they prevail. Typically, when a party wins at trial, they receive compensation for damages, and also something called a costs...

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Published on: 18 Jul 2023 By
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Entering Canada as a business visitor: Essential requirements

In this blog, I will discuss the prerequisites for entering Canada as a business visitor, while also touching upon instances where a work permit is necessary or where a work permit exemption may be applicable. Our immigration team consistently receives inquiries from Canadian companies and organizations seeking to host foreign nationals on business visits to...

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Published on: 9 May 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

BlackoutSpeakout: It worked for Wikipedia

BlackoutSpeakout: Canadian environmental organizations are using Wikipedia’s protest tactic of darkening their websites on June 4 to protest federal government 2012 Budget plans to slash environmental protection and environmental protest, anything that stands in the way of the oil sands and their pipelines.

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