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Published on: 18 Feb 2022 By

How binding is a non-solicitation clause?

Non-competition clauses are restrictive covenants that courts often deem unenforceable. But what about non-solicitation clauses? Are non-solicitation clauses strictly controlled? What is a non-solicitation clause vs. a non-competition clause? A non-solicitation clause restricts an employee, from soliciting customers, clients, staff, accounts, or vendors during their employment, and for a specified period of time when they...

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Published on: 6 Apr 2022 By

Power of attorney issues:ย compensation for powers of attorney for personal care

Providing care to an elderly or sick family member is a significant and often thankless undertaking. Quite often, it is the attorney for personal care who assumes the caregiving responsibilities. Attorneys for personal care often spend hours cleaning, cooking, and driving their loved ones to and from medical appointments which requires a significant amount of...

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Published on: 11 Jul 2016 By

Provincial renewable energy goals trump municipal by-laws

Since the Green Energy and Economy Act, 2009 came into force on May 14, 2009, the debate continues about whether municipalities can regulate renewable energy projects. At least three court decisions have now been made which indicate that other possible avenues of municipal regulation of renewable energy projects, and in particular wind turbine developments, will...

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Published on: 3 Nov 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Contaminated sites change in Provincial Policy Statement

The Ontarioย Provincial Policy Statementย (PPS)has recently changed how it refers to contaminated sites. The PPS is the official expression of the provincial governmentโ€™s policies on land use planning. It applies province-wide and “provides clear policy direction on land use planning to promote strong communities, a strong economy, and a clean and healthy environment.” ย What effectย will the...

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Published on: 7 Jun 2017 By

Bennett v Lenovo โ€“ Another Step Toward a Consumer Privacy Protection Jurisprudence

Introduction The recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Bennett v Lenovo, 2017 ONSC 1082 is an important step in the development of privacy class actions in Canada.ย In Lenovo, the Court refused to strike the majority of causes of action pleaded by the Plaintiffs, permitting this ground-breaking proceeding to continue. Facts The...

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Published on: 7 Feb 2018 By

Follow the Bouncing Ball: Enforcing Termination Provisions

Employers need some good news these days, with rising minimum wages, employee-friendly changes to many employment standards, and letโ€™s not even mention the stock market. So Iโ€™m happy to share the decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal in Nemeth v. Hatch Ltd. in which a very simple termination provision was upheld. Mr. Nemeth had...

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Published on: 5 Oct 2020 By

Itโ€™ll never happen to us: Union avoidance in the age of COVID-19

Union organizing campaigns can start in several different ways, however many find at their root a feeling among employees of unfair or unequal treatment by their employer. Sometimes the friction point is pay and benefits, other times it is entitlement to a benefit or advantage that others may receive in comparable workplaces. Today, employees are...

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Published on: 18 Mar 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Information Commissioner asked to stop muzzling of government scientists

The Environmental Law Centre of the University of Victoria has written toย Suzanne Legault, Information Commissioner of Canada, asking her,ย pursuant to s. 30(1)(f) of the Access to Information Act, to:ย investigate the federal governmentโ€™s policies and actions to obstruct the right of theย public and the media to speak to government scientists. “We request that you initiate an...

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Published on: 15 Oct 2018 By

Nobel Prize Winner Recommends Tax on Carbon Emissions

Professor William D. Nordhaus, an economist from Yale who has dedicated more than forty years attempting to convince governments to address climate change through the imposition on a tax on carbon emissions was awarded the 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Professor Nordhaus has been called โ€œthe father of climate-change economicsโ€ and developed models...

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