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Published on: 2 Oct 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ontario Anti-SLAPP law soon after all?

Yesterday, ย we noted that Environment Ministerย Glen Murray’s mandate letter includes no reference to a new anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit against Public Participation) law: https://www.siskinds.com/environment-minister-murrays-mandate-letter/, even though SLAPPs are often directed against environmental protection groups.ย  A faithful reader has helpfully pointed out that, thankfully, that is because bringing the anti-SLAPP law back to the Legislatureย is mandated to...

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Published on: 20 Apr 2020 By

Canada announces funding for early-stage companies

This article was updated on April 28, 2020 to reflect additional information regarding the Innovation Assistance Programย administered through Industrial Research Assistance Program of the National Research Council of Canada, including the window for submitting applications. As of April 28, 2020, additional information about the other support programs covered in this article was not available. On...

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Published on: 12 Jun 2012 By (She/Her)

Why You Should Pay Attention to Class Action Notices

This paper answers the question – why should you pay attention to a class action notice. To answer this question, it is necessary to provide some background regarding the content and purpose of class action notices. Introduction This paper answers the question – why should you pay attention to a class action notice. To answer...

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Published on: 13 Apr 2020 By

Impact of COVID-19 on Environmental Law

The protection of our health and environment is a fundamental right of all Canadians. The recent events of COVID-19 including the designation of essential and non-essential services, suspension of limitation periods in certain circumstances has businesses questioning what statues, regulations, standards or policies have continued to remain in force. Generally, those environmental laws, regulations, policies,...

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Published on: 27 Feb 2024 By (She/Her)

An update on the family pet in a separation

Unfortunately upon the breakdown of a relationship it is not uncommon to see the family pet being used as a weapon. One spouse knowingly understands how important the pet is to the other spouse, and may use the pet to create additional conflict. One spouse may insist they are more entitled to keep the pet...

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Published on: 5 Jun 2024 By

Privacy pulse: New Ontario OIPC guidance, privilege in data breach investigations and further developments in state privacy law

The Siskinds Privacy, Cyber and Data Governance team is focused on providing businesses and professionals with monthly updates on technology, privacy, and artificial intelligence (A.I.) laws in both the U.S. and Canada. Before diving into this month’s update, I’m pleased to mention I will attend the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Canadian Privacy Symposium...

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Published on: 22 Jan 2024 By

Canadian private equity funds face hidden risks when taking on non-resident investors

Private equity funds and limited partnerships Private equity funds almost always operate as limited partnerships (LPs). The LP structure is simple but effective: The fund manager, usually a corporation, manages the business as the general partner and assumes unlimited liability. The investors in the fund take on a passive role as limited partners and enjoy...

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Published on: 17 Oct 2014 By

Tribunal indecisiveness causes backlogs, increased costs

The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (OHRT) recently refused to dismiss an employeeโ€™s human rights complaint against McDonaldโ€™s Restaurants of Canada Limited (MRCL) of discrimination based on family status and marital status. MRCL is the franchisor of the McDonaldโ€™s restaurant system in Canada. Inย Lindsey v. McDonaldโ€™s Restaurants of Canada Limited,ย 2014 HRTO 372 (CanLII), the complainant alleged...

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Published on: 19 Jul 2021 By

Changes on horizon for Canadaโ€™s privacy laws thanks to Bill C-11

Bill C-11 marks the first update to Canadian privacy law since the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) came into effect in 2000. If passed, the Bill would enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) and bring about significant changes to private-sector privacy law. Of particular interest is a provision that would require...

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Published on: 3 Sep 2024 By

Overview of a construction lien in Ontario under the Construction Act

One of the main purposes of the Construction Act is to protect parties who make improvements to the land but do not have a contract with the landowner. The Act does this by requiring each party to retain 10% of the payments it makes to the party below them in the construction pyramid. As an...

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