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U.S. Waiver

If you have been charged with a criminal offence in Canada or the United States, depending on the outcome of your criminal case, you may be denied entry to the U.S. and you may have to apply for a U.S. waiver. Our team can assist you with preparation of the U.S. waiver application and subsequent renewals.

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Canadian Work Permit

Our team can assist you at any stage of your work permit application starting with an eligibility assessment through the preparation of application and submission to government authorities. If you hold a valid work permit, contact us to starting with an eligibility assessment through the preparation of application and submission to government authorities. If you hold a valid work permit, contact us to discuss your eligibility to extend your work permit.

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Our History

Questioning the Status Quo Since 1932 Siskinds Law began in 1937 by questioning convention, pushing for change and demanding fairness. Being client-focused isn’t a new concept; it’s what we’ve always done. As our expertise expanded over the decades, we continued to show leadership in a changing world. The Siskinds main office at 680 Waterloo Street...

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