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Published on: 23 Sep 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

Remember Punch Cards?

Thirty years ago, computer geeks programmed and stored all data with punch cards. Many of those cards were printed in rented facilities on Commander Boulevard, Toronto, a street already famous for setting pollution precedents. As it turns out, the coloured stripe across the top of the cards used to be printed with the solvent, toluene....

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Published on: 22 May 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Federal contaminated sites

In the 2012 Spring Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Commissioner focuses on the relationship between economic growth and environmental protection, the continuing debate often misdescribed as  “jobs versus the environment.” He again concludes that the alleged tradeoff is a spurious one, and that environmental protections have major economic benefits.

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Published on: 12 Nov 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Giant Mine $1B contaminated site remediation milestone

Canada’s most contaminated site, the Yellowknife Giant Mine, has reached a milestone in its $1 billion taxpayer-funded remedial plan. The dangerous and badly contaminated roaster building, which created hundreds of thousands of tonnes of highly poisonous arsenic trioxide, (enough to kill every human in the world) has finally been demolished. Between 1948 and 2004, the Giant Mine was...

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Published on: 15 Jan 2008 By (Dianne Saxe)

Teck Cominco: Applying US Law to Canadians in Canada

  On January 7, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Teck Cominco, a Canadian mining giant, is subject to U.S. pollution laws because Canadian slag washed into U.S. waters. This sets an important precedent for other cross-boundary pollution. For more than 100 years, Teck and its predecessors have operated a lead-zinc smelter at Trail,...

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Published on: 5 Jan 2021 By (She/Her)

Major update to Canadian privacy legislation in the works… What does this mean for class actions?

For the first time since the implementation of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) in 2000, the federal government has introduced an update to Canada’s privacy framework via Bill C-11, or the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020, which underwent its first reading in the House of Commons on November 17, 2020. If...

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