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Published on: 28 Jan 2021 By

Assessing medical malpractice damages—contingencies

This article on contingencies is part of a series of articles that discuss the types of damages that may be claimed in a medical negligence case. It is important to note, however, that each case is unique, and the damages claimed will differ between individuals. The assessment of damages is a process that evolves as...

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Published on: 14 Feb 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Ostrander Point, wind and birds: is it different?

There definitely are places where renewable energy projects should not go. The Prince Edward County Field Naturalists wants me, and you, to know why they think Ostrander Point is one of them, and why wind turbines should not be built there, of all places. This is not about the nocebo effect, it’s about birds. As...

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Published on: 30 Nov 2021 By

Assessing medical malpractice damages—punitive and aggravated damages

This article on punitive and aggravated damages is part of a series of articles that discuss the types of damages that may be claimed in a medical negligence case. It is important to note, however, that each case is unique, and the damages claimed will differ as between individuals. The assessment of damages is an...

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Published on: 7 Dec 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

A reader writes about environmental management systems

Dear Dianne Saxe, I read some of your postings this am. I cannot help but think that if robust, credible and reliable EMS (aligned to ISO 14001) were more wide spread that some of these challenges could have been avoided. Not only would they have avoided the environmental damage, but the financial costs would have...

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Published on: 30 Sep 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

What will it take for facts to overcome fear about wind turbines?

People who actually live with and host wind turbines on their properties are rarely heard in the emotional debate on wind farms and health. Australian filmmaker and researcher Neil Barrett is giving this critical group a voice in his excellent short film, The way the wind blows. Evidence around the world has shown that those...

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Published on: 12 May 2020 By

Innovating in London: The virtual ER at the Children’s Hospital

With the pandemic landscape shifting on a daily basis, we are all weighing our personal comfort in accessing medical support while weighing risks of what is, or is not, essential. Access to treatment, be it physiotherapy, occupational therapy or ongoing counselling is all weighed with the risk of attending in public places with many potential...

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Published on: 18 May 2022 By

Assessing medical malpractice damages—Family Law Act damages—services rendered, expenses incurred, and other pecuniary losses

This article on damages for Family Law Act (FLA) claimants is part of a series of articles that discuss the types of damages that may be claimed in a medical negligence case. It is important to note, however, that each case is unique, and the damages claimed will differ between individuals. The assessment of damages...

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