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Published on: 10 Oct 2017 By

Video Testimonial – Post-Surgery Recovery

Our client’s surgeon expected our client to return to work within a few weeks of surgery. However, it soon became clear that our client did not feel physically nor emotionally capable of returning to her regular activities as quickly as expected. Personal injury lawyer, Rasha El-Tawil, ensured that our client had the care and financial...

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Published on: 28 Dec 2017 By

Canada to Invest $44.84 Million Towards the Great Lakes Protection Initiative

The International Joint Commission (“IJC”) is a binational organization created under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. The purpose of the IJC is to prevent and resolve disputes relating to the use and quality of boundary waters. The IJC recognizes that each country is affected by the other’s actions as it relates to the watersheds...

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Published on: 12 Jul 2016 By

Hunting Convictions for Shooting Decoys

A conservation officer saw two individuals sitting in their truck strategically located in order to observe the decoys with binoculars. The conservation officers placed the stationary moose decoys along the travelled portion of a maintained and travelled forest resource access corridor. After a period of time, one of the individuals got out of the truck and...

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Published on: 4 Aug 2015 By

Records of Site Condition – common problems

Records of Site Condition are the regulatory documents used in Ontario to confirm whether a potentially or actually contaminated site meets acceptable standards for a particular land-use, under the Environmental Protection Act and O.Reg. 153/04. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change has issued a Records of Site Condition-Getting them right, a list of the most common...

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Published on: 12 Aug 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Regulatory tweak on export controls

The federal government  has tweaked the regulations it uses,  under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA 1999), to control which polluting substances can be exported from Canada. The new rules reduce redundancy, and add in Canada’s obligations under the Stockholm Convention. The old Export Control List Notification Regulations (ECLNR), SOR/2000-108 have been repealed. In their place, the Export of Substances...

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Published on: 15 Jan 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Goodbye to Nanticoke, and all that coal

January 8 marked the last day of operation of the Nanticoke Generating Station, the last operating coal-fired electrical generating facility in southern Ontario. This latest shut down will help mark 2014 as the year Ontario will become a coal-free jurisdiction. Nanticoke was once the worst air polluter in Canada, and closing it is one of...

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Published on: 15 Jul 2018 By

Guardianship Applications under the Children’s Law Reform Act

A minor is considered to be a person under the age of eighteen years. In Ontario, a parent is automatically the guardian of the person of his or her minor child.[1] However, a parent is not automatically the guardian of property of his or her minor child.[2] In certain circumstances, a parent can receive the...

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Published on: 29 Nov 2017 By

Video Testimonial – Rear End Collision

A rear-end collision that seemed relatively minor, turned into a permanent issue, a spinal disc herniation, for the person who was hit. After interviewing several lawyers, this person chose Jim Virtue and Rasha El-Tawil, who ensured he had a strong legal outcome. He tells his story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZp-YlTOE9E&feature=youtu.be

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Published on: 25 Sep 2017 By

Video Testimonial – Motor Vehicle Accident

After being rear-ended, our client tended to her daughter’s injuries before becoming concerned about her own. She soon realized that the back and neck pain she suffered had changed her life in more ways than she could have imagined. Emily Foreman and her team worked alongside our client and secured the support she needed. Our...

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Published on: 12 Dec 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

Legal Consequences for flouting Kyoto?

The science of climate change is now clear; what will the legal consequences be? With the release of their fourth report, the Nobel-Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has confirmed it: the climate is changing faster than anyone thought possible, and it’s because of humans. Our emissions are continuing to grow, and will have...

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